Jul 31, 2009

Boring alert!

Friday already?

well, you guys were lucky, this week, i have so many things I could talk about!

unfortunately, in the last hour i have become a little depressed, and I'm not in the mood to tell all my hilarious encounters.

you see today was the last day of an acting workshop I took during July. this was my second year attending, and my last.

And well, I feel almost like I'm leaving something behind.

As I walked through the subway station to head home, i just had this overwhelming feeling of regret. The thing is, I don't know why yet.

So i feel confused, and a little depressed, all at the same time.


(Sorry that this post is so boring, but i needed at least one post this week, and I would have posted earlier but the performance took over my life a bit)

~~Boring Pixie

Jul 24, 2009


I dont want to go out today.

I just want to sit in my room and sulk.

And yet here I am, putting on my make-up, getting ready to face the world.
You know, I never really thought about why I wear make-up, every day.

Why I won't leave the house without.

then I realized, I'm not putting on make-up. I'm putting on a face. Becoming someone else.
someone confident, someone without any regrets.

And god, do I regrets.

I regret rushing into everything, and making assumptions, and never thinking anything over until its too late.

I regret hurting the people who care, and helping the people who don't.

And most of all, I hate that I can never do anything about it.

~~Dissapointed Pixie

Jul 19, 2009

excuses, excuses

ok, ok I know you guys hate me for not blogging last Friday, but i have an excuse!

I did blog, on Monday!....but then i deleted it because It was mean and the people i was talking about read my blog, therefore, not a good idea to blog about them.

hehe :P

so here is my slightly late blog post!

sorry that I'll be a little late with my blogs right now, my life is being taken over by the musical I am in right now.

seriously, I go to bed at 9, almost every night!

well, that's all I had to say, farewell!

until next week (or Friday)
~~ profound pixie

Jul 3, 2009

a promise is a promise

you know how I said that I would ALWAYS post once a week? well a promise is a promise, here is your weekly post!

But I would like to clarify one thing, Although I promised to post something, I did not say it would be any good!

ABSOLUTELY nothing of interest has occured as of yet, so I have virtually nothing to talk about.

but never the less, here is my post.


"I hate bugs"

~~Predict Me Pixie