Jul 31, 2009

Boring alert!

Friday already?

well, you guys were lucky, this week, i have so many things I could talk about!

unfortunately, in the last hour i have become a little depressed, and I'm not in the mood to tell all my hilarious encounters.

you see today was the last day of an acting workshop I took during July. this was my second year attending, and my last.

And well, I feel almost like I'm leaving something behind.

As I walked through the subway station to head home, i just had this overwhelming feeling of regret. The thing is, I don't know why yet.

So i feel confused, and a little depressed, all at the same time.


(Sorry that this post is so boring, but i needed at least one post this week, and I would have posted earlier but the performance took over my life a bit)

~~Boring Pixie

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