Aug 10, 2009


I just came home from watching "Julie and Julia" and do you know what I realized?

This blog sucks.

I mean really, who wants to read this? When have I written about anything anyone (besides my friends and family) would want to read?

Have you guys read "Cake Wrecks" its hilarious! Which is why I have decided to write about something.

After all, here I am, expecting all of you to care what I had for breakfast. Well no more.

You heard me. From now on I'll write about something relevant.

Something with interest.

Something like...



ok, I admit. That's as far as I got.

But I promise, as soon as I think of something, I'll write about it.

How hard can it be to think of something. Im sure there are plenty of things I have interest in which I could write about.

Ladies and Gentlemen, it is times like these which I realize, I am kinda pathetic.

Wait a minute, I've got it! All I had to do was glance over my shoulder, and there it is.

The glorious, messy pile of fashion magazines, sitting on the bench near my desk.

Teen Vogue. Seventeen. Elle. Fashion Illustrated.

Starting today, I will write a new blog. Following my pursuit of amazing fashion.

Well, it seems i have to go make a new blog.

till next time.
~~Inspired Pixie

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