Mar 26, 2010

Slam Poetry for a certain someone

We had to write a slam poem, this was what came to me.
Some things are hard to say to a persons face, so i wrote this to get my feelings across. it was for a certain someone, but it applies to everyone.


I want to help
I do
Stop messing with me
Why wont you just let me help you
Why do I constantly worry?
I want to know all your problems
But I don’t
I don’t want to hear them
I fear them
Fear what they will do to me
When they find me
And cause me to be anxious
Your well being
Is making me shudder
I want to fix it
But I'm not your mother
It’s not my place
I know
Don’t blame me
I just want what's best
What would I know?
Its you life not mine
You say your feeling fine
But I know your not
I want to be of service
But you push me away
My mind is going crazy
Everything is hazy
I'm in a maze
Filled with twists and turns
But they don’t mean a thing
All that is here is me
And you
Not just a face in the crowd
But beautiful significant you
Everything about you is amazing
You just don’t realize it
But I wish you did
I love you
I say this as a friend
No other way possible
You are everything, you say its nothing
Your blind
Don’t undermine your ability
With all this frivolity
You are perfect.

I'm not kidding like we do all the time
Having fake competitions
While trying to unwind
I never meant what I said then
I pray
Neither did you
Which is why I emphasize
That what is perfect, is you.

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