Feb 4, 2009

just shoot me now

ok, fine.
I'm spoiled! i get it! im sorry!
i swear, you cannot blame me for being upset though!

i had asked for tickets from my dad, so that me and my friend could go see the flight of the conchords concert. My dad got two tickets.
turns out the person who buys the tickets MUST be in the audience (which seems awfully messed up to me)
anyways, because of this, i dont get to go with my friend, AND i now have to go with my dad.

If you dont know who the flight of the conchords are, well, look it up!
its not exactly a concert you want your overprotective dad to come to!

so im disappointed! can you blame me?
i never ask for these things! ever!
so of course my dad was sooo excited to do something like this for me!

so my dad is pissed, cuz he thinks im super pissed (even though im only semi-pissed) and my mum is pissed cuz my dad wont shut up about it!

you see? this is not working out!

what do you think i should do?cuz i have no idea!
ok, signing off
~~Pissed Pixie

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