Feb 17, 2009

Violets arent blue

i decided to take a break from my ranting to show off a bit...hope you dont mind!

this is a beautiful song i found that a friend had written a few months ago, music composed by serena posner.

Violets arent Blue


Roses are red
but violets will die
cause they have been broken
from your last lie

You always tell me
what you say is true
but if that is so
why arent these violets blue?

so please just stay away
i dont need to feel this anymore
so just get away
this has lasted long enough

your promises are broken
and turned into lies
but its obvious to me
from the hurt in your eyes

whenever you speak
you must think i cant see
cause i know for a fact
that your lying to me


your words can hurt
they make me cry
your words can kill
they make violets die

As time will pass
Ill learn to forgive
but only if you are gone
so these violets can live


you can view the video here :
but keep in mind the song is not complete and has to be re-done!


~~off topic pixie

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