Mar 1, 2009

future dilemmas

i guess everyone has this problem at one point or another. and its not unusual to be faced with such confusion at this age. of course, knowing everyone else goes through this too doesn't help!

I'm talking about having to decide my future, and you know how they say that you don't REALLY have to decide till you graduate, or even till you are in collage, well that is bull!!!!!

I'm only picking my courses for school next year, and yet I'm already faced with a huge dilemma!

well, I know for a fact that i am going into the arts when i graduate, and you would think my courses would be pretty set out, since i already know this. but the thing is 'art' is pretty broad, and i like all of it! well not all...

what i mean is, that there are two possible fields i could go into in the future, theatre acting, or graphic/web design.

the problem is, i can only take one of these two subjects: art or drama

well, right there i am forced to decide on one!great, no whichever i take in high school will dictate what i will do for the rest of my life! and whats worse? one of the courses is horrible!!!!!

i can either take art, which is a stupid worthless course, that is a total waste of time, but will get me into graphic design. or i can take drama, which is an amazing course that i love, and will get me into acting school.

now, after hearing that you would think there is no problem!

But of course here comes the BIGGEST dilemma!

I'm really not an amazing much as i love it, ill probably never be the best. And the only way to make a living off f acting is to be the best!

on the other hand, I'm pretty good at graphic design and web design. and if i studied it, I'm sure i could become pretty good, as well, i can actually make money from it!

but i still enjoy acting far more!

so, do what i love? even though I'm not very good at it.
or do what I'm capable of?

~~frustrated pixie

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