Mar 8, 2009

suck it up

Honestly, when are people going to learn that they shouldn’t care so much about what other people think and look like?

Some people actually think their opinion is going to influence somebody so much that they’ll change their entire look just to please them.

Well, fine, maybe some dumbass might completely change to please everyone else.
But I won’t.

I really don’t give a shit what the rest of my classmates think about the way I dress. I never have cared and I don’t know why they think that I suddenly will. It’s like they’re under the impression that if they tease and push hard enough that I’ll show up to school dressed exactly like them.

So I don’t dress like them.
Big deal, like that’s enough of a reason to stare at me with accusing eyes as if I have an arm sticking straight out of my head?
Yeah right.

But what really gets to me is how much they judge off of the way I look.
Ah, it makes me so pissed off…

And I’m not going to go into a huge rant about “don’t judge a book by its cover” because we’re all told that too often and we never learn from that anyways. No matter how much you may claim you never judge by looks, trust me, you do. Everyone does, it’s inevitable. You see someone with an abnormality directly on his or her face, something that you can’t miss, don’t lie. I know you’ll stare and take a step back.

See, you judge everyday.
Stop denying it.

But what I really hate are the lengths that some people go to based off of one look.

And some people are so… mean about it, for lack of a better word.
If you don’t dress in a way that they’re used to, suddenly you’re the punch line of every joke.
Someone mutters freak around you and the whole room erupts in laughter like that is the best damn joke they’ve ever heard.

So what if you find my clothes ridiculous and my style to be so abnormal that you can’t seem to live with it. It shouldn’t really bother you the way I dress. I’m not hurting anyone by walking around dressed the way I am. I don’t have offensive material printed on my shirts, and it’s not like my clothes reveal certain areas that shouldn’t be revealed to the public eye.

So why the hell do you even fucking care?

And why do you fucking care enough to go out of your way to point, stare, and laugh?
I’m not an open joke machine. So don’t make me the pit of every single one of your immature jokes.

Fine. If I bother you that much with my “style” then go ahead, point, laugh, stare all you want. Someday just pointing at me won’t get as much laughter as it used to. And talking about me so loudly that the whole room hears your insults, including me, isn’t going to make me come to school dressed any differently.

I assure you there is not going to be the day that I show up to school looking like everyone else.
My hair will stay the same; too different for you to deal with. My shirts will still be too differant. And my face will never change so don’t expect it to overnight.

So suck it up and deal.
A lot of people have, but I guess others are so fucking narrow minded they can’t deal with a boy wearing make-up or a girl in guy’s clothes.

Really, please, just think the next time you go to open your big mouth to taunt someone all because of the way they’re dressed. Maybe you’re too plain. Maybe you should be trying something a little bolder instead of showing up in your normal “look” everyday.
~~Wishing For Too Much

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