Mar 10, 2009

online lingo

So I’m taking a step back from my heartfelt rants, to address a topic I’m sure troubles hundreds, no…THOUSANDS of us each and every day.

It’s a problem that’s infecting teens around the world and it’s traveling like an epidemic, spreading from teen to teen in a matter of seconds. It’s a problem on the streets, in the schools, on television, in our homes and it’s flooding across the Internet by the millisecond.

And that problem is one that makes me wince every time I see it.

Online lingo.

You know the stuff.
It’s in every comment, on every forum, in e-mails…
Face it. It’s everywhere.

It started out small and then grew within days to spread across the entire web.
Sure, it has its advantages of being faster to type and to get your point across.

But admit it; it can get annoying as hell!

Now please, don’t lash out at me if you’re a fan of this so called new-age language. Just hear me out.

It’s one thing to use it when you’re instant messaging a friend, but it’s an entirely different matter to begin SPEAKING it like a spoken language. Yes, I’m serious. People actually do that, and I mean besides in those newer Cingular-AT&T commercials about Beth Ann and her BFF Jill.

Honest to god I walked into class the other day and these two girls were having a verbal conversation with those stupid freaking lingo words or whatever the hell you wish to call them. I guess it’s the same as text messaging lingo or what not.

But I’m being dead serious here. I walked into the classroom and they were like, “WU? NM. U? N2M. STFU! ROFL!!!”

Fine, fine, that’s perfectly fine if you’re punching that in on those midget keys of your cell phone, but really, I don’t want to hear that when I walk into a classroom. I have no freaking clue what they’re even saying (well I do now, but I didn’t then).

Ah, it just gets so annoying. Half of the time I’m reading over posts on forums and I’ll have to go and search Google for the meaning of some abbreviation I had no idea about. It’s like some people seriously think they can go and ostracize each and every vowel from a word and call it Internet lingo. Poor neglected vowels!

Just… ugh. It gets on my nerves when people overuse it because they think it’s so cool.
Well. Fine. Maybe it is and maybe I’m out of the loop, but it still sends me over the edge with near frustration. It’s annoying as hell.

So… I guess that’s all.
G2G! *gag*
~~Aggravated Pixie

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