Jan 27, 2009

Fighting the Urge to Open Fire on PDA

So yesterday I was walking around town, to nowhere in particular, just… wandering to pass the time, and I kept seeing one thing over and over and over again.


Honest to God, I’d blink once and open my eyes only to see another couple of lovebirds so sucked up into their gagging kisses that they wouldn’t even realize if a plane fell out of the sky and crashed nose down into the ground right next to them. They’re so caught up in their supposed love that they’re basically yelling, “Fuck the rest of the world! We’re in love!” without ever saying a word. It’s like as long as they have each other within reach, then they’re good to go.

Shoot. Me. Now.

Okay, well don’t shoot, but seriously, sometimes all that PDA out there makes me want to topple over and die. For all of you un-cool people who don’t know what the term “PDA” stands for, it means: Public Displays of Affection. But just kidding, you’re not un-cool.

But anyways, where was I, oh, yeah, PDA.
Yes, go, run around and show the world that you love each other, but please, be considerate.
Not everyone wants to see you two sucking mouth when we turn a street corner.
So stop parading your love around in the faces of us poor innocent freaks who can’t seem to find such happiness; you only bring our hopes down even more.

And yes, I may be young and naïve, being that I’m still a teenager trying to fight my way out of high school, but I’ve seen my fair-share of relationships hitting the all time high and crashing and burning within five year’s time.

It happens; life happens; shit happens.
Love dies.
Way too often, and according to statistics, the rate of love dying seems to be growing.

What if divorce was still illegal?
Imagine what life would be like then. I mean would so many couples still jump on the chance for marriage?

I don’t know what I’m even ranting about anymore.
I guess I just hate to see relationships end and all.

Hmm, maybe that’s why I’m so sour on love. Honestly, I am. I’m so… stiff when it comes to being open with my feelings that I turn down so many opportunities for love. I don’t walk around with my heart on my sleeve. Instead I have it tucked away deep inside of me where no one can seem to play with it. Ever. And for some reason that makes me such a freak because I’d rather sit around with my feelings bottled up inside of me versus walking down the hallway and blowing kisses to every one I see.

Well, I won’t keep rambling on my feelings about love; that can fill up an entire post all its own. Maybe I’ll talk about it sometime in the future, but maybe not.

Humph. I’m out.
I’ve got a shit-load of homework to get to, so leave some love in the comments.
Yeah, you know how to do it.
Go ahead.
Click the little link.
It’s not too hard. Go on… Click!
Ah, there you go. But I love you lurkers… you crack me up. =) .

~~sour pixie of love

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