Jan 23, 2009

I cant believe it. I mean, its not like i HAVENT been talking about since two months ago!
well, i was picking my courses for the next year of high school, but i forgot to get my sheet signed. This morning though when I showed my parents, guess what? they suddenly told me to take another course. to skip my spare and drop a class next year if i really want to. guess what? I know which class I want to take, SAP (sociology, anthropology,psychology) is not one of them!

and seriously? why the hell wait until the morning after picking courses to tell me this?
I have talked about this since.....lets see.....gr.9? I chose the courses that i chose for a reason! i have absolutely no intention of changing them either! i WILL drop SAP, just you wait, a year from now you will be reading about my decision to drop it!

anyways, i have to go to school...ill post again tonight.
~~pissed off pixie

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