Jan 22, 2009


ok, im sure you all have had it happen to you.
You say a stupid comment and people suddenly think you are hiding something.
so of course, what is the next course of action? you deny it!
what else?
well, as we all know...that doesnt help...at all....

Today was one of MANY occasions that this seems to have occured, yes many. Clearly i dont pick my words very carefully!
ANYWAYS! i might as well tell you exactly what happened...where do i start?
i guess the begining..... well when a man and woman meet, and they reeeaaallly love each other.....too early?
sorry, guess i got carried away :P

well this morning i was sitting in class, talking to my two friends, lets call them....Thing 1 and Thing 2...sound good? ok
The conversation went as such...
Thing 1- oh you would be perfect for my cousin
Thing 2- dont bother setting them up, no one is ever good enough
Me- That's not true!
Thing 2- oh right, i forgot, you are only interested in metrosexuals!

ok.....just to clarify i wasnt agreeing with Thing 2! ...just not acknowledging their statement...there is a differance!
As the conversation advanced (still on the assumption i prefer metros) i tried to explain myself, which ended in the statement "OOHH!!!!! so you are gay!" -_- no...im not...after all, I think I would know! I can clearly realize who im attracted to!
It seems pretty obvious, everytime my eyes drift to the wrong part of the person im looking at......oh dont judge me, its hormones!

but i guess im not 100% straight....I may be physically attracted to one sex, but i am mentally attracted to the other! i cant help it!
i mean....some people are gross! i want someone caring, and understanding, and.......is it just me or am I starting to sound like a hopeless romantic....damn
...so what defines straight/gay? sure i guess if i kiss someone and see if i like it then i will know .....but there are plenty of times that even the straightest player may be turned on by another guy.
so why bother experimenting and wasting my first kiss? it seems pretty pointless!

why does this topic even seem so important? what should it matter anyways? why does the world seem to think that being gay/straight is so scandalous? I just dont get it, hell i dont think half the world gets it!

am i making any sense here? im becoming a little skeptical if this online journal was such a great idea....sure, none of you know me, you cant judge me...(well you can, but you would all be stupid!....no im joking i love you all) but none of the words i wanted to say are coming out......damn i suck at this!

Maybe i should try again later......i have homework to do after all....blah stupid homework!!!! ok! goodbye people! thanx for reading...i guess :P comment please! comments make me feel loved! :)
~~Predict Me Pixie

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