Jan 22, 2009


me and my big mouth! I just cant keep it shut can I?
you see.....i haven't exactly told anyone about this blog yet... but hello! i don't think they want to know what i might write in here....there is a reason i never post info!
but then they asked me about my night.....and of course, in all my massive wisdom....i mentioned the blog.
I'm a genius right? ....please don't reply to that!

anyways, as soon as i let it slide they went on the Internet and started searching for it...thank GOD they didn't find it! well, yet T_T

But what is so appealing about reading this? I don't try to read their diaries!
but i swear they spent almost an hour interrogating me!

i think i may kill them one day!

why are people so obsessed with other people's lives? is it human nature to be nosy?
if I had never let that slip, they would have never asked about it! not that i mind them reading this....its just....not in front of me, i don't want to see their reactions!

well? what do you think? sure, this is meant to be read, but, their is a point to anonymity (is that a word?) well, am i supposed to show this to them? do i really want them to read this?

comment please!
~~perplexed pixie

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