Jun 23, 2009


That's right, I caved.

I officially have a twitter account.
yes, i am ashamed. yes, i am in fact a little dead inside. and yes, I am addicted.

It is useful for getting news on my favourite bands and stuff , since I have yet to get any of my friend's accounts.

and...oh my god. I'm like a talking twitter commercial or something O.o

kill me!!

oh, and here is a link!

~~Corrupted Pixie

Jun 18, 2009


Confessing is hard. Sometimes, things happen that weren't supposed to. Sometimes, things just get out of hand, and it becomes hard to stop it.

Well, I did manage to end my problem. And let me tell you, it hurts like hell.

You see, In English class we were working on our poetry unit. and I LOVE poetry. Our teacher wanted us to write a poem in class, and usually I have no problem with this, but for some reason, I couldn't think. So i took a song that was in my head and made some stupid changes, and voila . a poem.

The thing is everyone loved it. My teacher made me submit it into our school literary magazine, he was offering extra marks, so I said yes.

Well, the magazine was entered into some contest, we didn't win but the magazine which our school magazine was submitted to loved my poem to.
So they asked to use it in their next issue of their magazine.

That's when things got out of hand. Because, I really wanted to say yes!

you know, just because I wanted to feel special. who doesn't?

But i kept thinking, what if someone finds out? what if they know it wasn't mine?

so i told the magazine fine, use my poem, but let it stay anonymous. I thought, if I did that, no one would know.

Then I told my mom that i was planning to submit it anonymously, and she said I shouldn't because I would be missing out on alot of opportunities.

So i asked my dad. and he said "well, was it original?"

and that's all it took.

I confessed, and told him everything.

And it was really hard, because it makes you feel incredibly worthless. then i had to go, and email back the magazine that I wouldn't let them use the poem. And I just felt so stupid. And I hate it.

But whats worse?
I submitted 8 other poems into the magazine, poems that were mine, that I was so proud of. And they didn't care.

The only way any one will ever look at my poems, is if they aren't even my own.

It just shows, I am worthless.

Golden Circle

Today's rant is about the "Golden Circle" yeah, you heard me.

Every school or workplace has them. That group of people that everyone loves. well, everyone that matters.
Such as Teachers and Employers, important, influential people.

The exact people that fall into the :golden Circles" trap.

You see, these golden people will always get what they want, simple because they are popular. Despite possible lack of skill and talent.

These people are the ones stealing opportunities away from people who deserve them. They are loved, so they get the job, or grade.

For example I was at my brothers graduation. Guess who won every award? That's right, those sickening golden group. Those5 people who all the teachers love.

I doesn't matter who is more talented or skillful, its ALL about charisma.

and who did the music for the assembly? the student who is actually going to music school? no. The one guy who has delusioned the entire school into believing he has talent. (which must be why he is going to Western to study Sciences)

I for one, absolutely hate these stupid golden people.

Because of them, no matter how hard I work, no matter how talented I am, I can never get a lead role in a play, or become the head of a club. I will ALWAYS be in the background, behind these stupid, egotistical golden circle.

Well, I would rant more (and I probably will in "Golden Circle Part II" which we all know is coming, But it IS almost 1:00 a.m. so I will go to bed now.

~~Pissed off Pixie

Jun 13, 2009


OK, I have a new blogging policy(hopefully)!

I will, (hopefully) without fail, post at least ONE blog a week.....I hope, so check my blog every Friday from now on, and there will be at least ONE weekly (hopefully) post!!!!!!!!!!!

if I do not post, I promise, I will have a VERY valid explanation (hopefully).
~~ Hopefull Policy Pixie

Jun 12, 2009

Let it Out

This is hard. I hate It.

Its like...the world stopped spinning, and its to heavy for me to push it back into orbit.

Like, I have no control over anything.

I hate it.

I feel completely helpless, because all I can do to help anyone is smile, and hope it will all be alright.

I'm sorry im so incredibly unspecific, I would rather not get into details, its just... one of those moment that you have to get your feeling out, and writing them down is my only way. And it sucks.

And i have so much to say, but i cant put any of it into words. And that of course just gets me more frustrated.

Oh, thats the emotion. frustration, thats what I feel.

Frustration over being helpless, and being pushed aside, and having to allow it because I dont know any other way to be.

And now i just got myself more annoyed.

God, this sucks. What the hell do I do?

I'm trying my hardest to be perfect for everyone, but I dont know any other way to make things better. Somebody help me.

~~ frustrated pixie

Worlds Shortest Blog Post #2

I failed my exam....T_T

~~Predict Me Pixie

Jun 10, 2009

Worlds Shortest Blog Post

I AM GOING TO FAIL MY EXAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SAVE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


~~Terrified Pixie

Jun 7, 2009

Intolerance II

Well, this has gotten on my nerves more and more! I mean, what the f*** does sexuality have to do with anything???

I mean...besides, you know, sexual stuff!

but why does everything come down to it? The world is filled with well hidden homophobes. everywhere!

and for the love of god! I sick of it!

Ill give you an example, it happened all of, two minutes ago.

I was watching a video of Bill Kaulitz (singer from tokio hotel, whom I ADORE) dancing out of boredom.

I was excited because it was cute so i made my dad watch it. And what was his immediate response?

"He is Gay, right?"

what the hell? why does dancing out of boredom make you gay?

ok, admitedly, he probably is. But still, what does it matter?
gay or straight, a person is a person!

and yet, that is the first thing anyone cares about!

and half the time, its not even justified!

i mean, so what if a guy wears eyeliner, or paints their nails, I mean if girls can dress like guys, then guys should be allowed to dress like girls!

Who are we to judge? as long as it looks good, what the problem?

and serisouly, I know plenty of guys who can pull of eye shadow better than most girls I know!

I'm just pissed that this seems to be the focus of everyones attention, always the first thing you judge about a person.

And i have to say, in a world like that, its no wonder so many people wont 'come out of the closet'. I know I probably wouldnt.

anyways......I dont know much else to say in my little rant.
well, comment please! You know I luv 'em!
~~ Predict me Pixie

Jun 2, 2009


I have been meaning to talk about this topic for a while

ever since, lets see, that last week of American idol....yah about then.
have you ever noticed how intolerant people are of gays? and other people too, intolerance is a huge topic, but lets focus on one section.

for instance, last week i was walking down the halls at my school when some guys were talking about who won American idol.

well their conversation went something like this:

Guy1: did you watch American idol last night?
Guy2: no, what happened?
1: oh the gay guy didn't win
2:which one is he?
1:you know the faggot who wore all the f*cking make up.

am I the only person who finds that offensive? and just the way they said it! as if he was disgusting!!!

i dont get it! what the hell do people have a problem with? What is so wrong about liking your own gender. I don't get it!

It isn't you're choice who you love, it doesn't change what kind of person you are.
All these people go on that its "against god". well, god is the one who decided who you love, if he chose it, how is it against it???

oh, and the fact they keep banning gay marriage? I just don't understand it! I got so angry while watching the news, with all these people saying how its "wrong" and "a perversion of nature".

give me a break!

If a man and woman can marry, why cant two men? or two women?
people are so wrapped up with what their parents taught them they don't realize there is NOTHING wrong with gay marriage.

love is love, it doesn't matter who! you might as well say a model cant marry a fat man...."its un-natural"

its bullshit

Every time I hear the word "fag" i want to punch someone. Maybe I'm taking too much offense, but it really pisses me off!

i absolutely hate people who are unexcepting and intolerant.

tell me what you think
~~annoyed pixie