Jun 2, 2009


I have been meaning to talk about this topic for a while

ever since, lets see, that last week of American idol....yah about then.
have you ever noticed how intolerant people are of gays? and other people too, intolerance is a huge topic, but lets focus on one section.

for instance, last week i was walking down the halls at my school when some guys were talking about who won American idol.

well their conversation went something like this:

Guy1: did you watch American idol last night?
Guy2: no, what happened?
1: oh the gay guy didn't win
2:which one is he?
1:you know the faggot who wore all the f*cking make up.

am I the only person who finds that offensive? and just the way they said it! as if he was disgusting!!!

i dont get it! what the hell do people have a problem with? What is so wrong about liking your own gender. I don't get it!

It isn't you're choice who you love, it doesn't change what kind of person you are.
All these people go on that its "against god". well, god is the one who decided who you love, if he chose it, how is it against it???

oh, and the fact they keep banning gay marriage? I just don't understand it! I got so angry while watching the news, with all these people saying how its "wrong" and "a perversion of nature".

give me a break!

If a man and woman can marry, why cant two men? or two women?
people are so wrapped up with what their parents taught them they don't realize there is NOTHING wrong with gay marriage.

love is love, it doesn't matter who! you might as well say a model cant marry a fat man...."its un-natural"

its bullshit

Every time I hear the word "fag" i want to punch someone. Maybe I'm taking too much offense, but it really pisses me off!

i absolutely hate people who are unexcepting and intolerant.

tell me what you think
~~annoyed pixie


  1. duuudeeee
    I fully agree with you.
    It really pisses me off.
    Like you know the guy Chris Crocker?
    Yeah everyone says shit about him cause he likes dressing like a girl and that hes gay. I mean does it really matter? What he says on youtube is usually really important
    Like just today I saw one of the newest videos he posted and it was about how the world is ready for gay people its just older generations like our parents and grandparents that think its wrong. Yeah thats my story. :)

    Have I NEVER gone on one of my rants about this with you??!!!
    I go fully MENTAL when I get into a fight about this with someone!
    I need to tell you about my views on this ASAP!
    It gets kinda.... *SCARY!*
    I'll give you my full opinion on all of this.

    xoxo Scary.


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