May 26, 2009


Anti Orientration-Affiliated.

I never knew I could love a word so much. After all, this just made my life so much easier. I dont feel awquard about this anymore.
oh, "this" being sexuality.

would I sound weird if i said this has been a big deal for me? Because every so often i find my self liking people i maybe shouldn't. Of course, its not like i fell in love with anyone. It was like, you know, tiny crushes that last about a week.

And hopefully I'm not the only one who found themselves liking a lot of..differant...people.

gee, this is harder to write than I thought.

You see, I'm a very touchy-feely person. I love hugs, and if you let me I will hug you and never let go!

so naturally I make people wonder why I'm always clinging to people of my same gender. And, well, when people wonder, you wonder yourself.

And I figured if i look at every person i have ever REALLY liked, they are all my opposite gender. But, they are all metero sexuals.

So naturally, I concluded "well I guess I must be bi-sexual".

But then again, I'm not attracted to either gender in specific. I just, like who i like. gender is irrelevent.

and i have never tested this theory or anything, but i figure i must be "anti-orientation-affiliated"

and, this is the first time I've spoken about this, so its still awkward, but it feels good to classify myself as something.And feel right about that something!

and now all I have to do is press that little "post button" i can do this.
I'm not nervous.
THERE! i did it!
~~satisfied pixe

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