May 12, 2009

new song...again (sorry :( )

ok, ok, i know you dont wanna read other peoples lyrics....but these are MINE!
all mine!
and i need help perfecting them!
so here it is
I’ve been waiting for so long
Hoping that you would see
And I’ve been holding on this hope
That you could help me be free

But still I'm freezing
While I see
You so carefree
Cause you found
the sun inside
And I'm here waiting
Pushed aside

You found the spring
But I'm stuck in winter
Waiting for the sun
To melt my soul
And deep in your heart
I know you can save me
Please come around
Show me

I can’t stand sitting
For so long
Watching the sunset
I want the sunshine
That comes with spring
To brighten my views
Of the world


Walk away
Give in
Ignore the sun in my dreams
Let the snow fall
Deep within me
While your heart will stay in the

oh by the way, i wrote this in response to DLD's last post....I'm not incredibly sure how it relates...but it does...somehow!
well thanku! hope you enjoyed my random song!...kinda

~~ Poetic Pixie

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