May 20, 2009

bob and joe

well, I'm out of rants,(well i have more....but no time to post them all)
so i decided to let my friends have fun and play the GUESS WHO GAME!!!!

the rules:
ill give descriptions of all my pet peeves about my friends, and give them fake names like...bob or....Joe, and you have to post in the comments who you think everyone is.

(don't write full names,i don't want anyone to know i might be dissing them ;p just write so ill know if you guessed right)

who should i start with first?

Vickie is nice, you just cant be near her for more than 5 minutes without running to the nearest dollar store for some ear plugs.
oh she could marry Joe! he's even worse, especially when he doesn't shut up! But he is very nice. Once you get used to i was gonna say "quirks" but that's to nice. hes just weird.

Samantha is really nice. really, really nice. way too nice! she cant say "no" to anyone! you could probably go up and ask her to jump of a cliff into a pool of piranhas and she would do it!

oh and Teresa is kinda like that too. But shes not as bad, although it is funny because she can be a little dense.

who else? there is Carrie, who i must say i adore! with one exception....I think she lives in a soap opera. seriously! every day is a new episode! filled with plenty of drama!! But hey, soap operas ARE entertaining!

oh and George. yes, i saved the worst named for him. why? because he is the worst!
he is a clingy, hateful, self-centered a**hole.

oh and then there is Kate, another person i just LOVE! the only person who can mess with someone until it makes them go crazy! i mean that in the nicest way!, she messes with me! not so fun!

who else? oh john, hes super nice! But he makes me feel stupid! i don't like feeling stupid!
and James, who is possibly even nicer, although i don't talk to him as much. Hes one of those people you know you can always confide in.

and Jan is also kinda like that, though i don't talk to her much anymore either, which kinda makes me sad. But its okay i lobve her anyway.

then there is Alison, who is kinda like Kate, creepy! shes awesome, but she has this amazing ability to make you feel 3 feet tall. not so fun.

and Greta, shes nice , I just can't seem to get as close to her as i used to be. but not in a bad way! She is still awesome. oh but my Pet peeve is she can be really inconsiderate.

and now Ive run out of people.
enjoy and send this to everyone!
~~peeved pixie

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