May 11, 2009


its a pretty big topic to cover.
(and im sorry this isnt going to be my ussual fun rant, this topic is kinda serious)

Firstly, everyone and anyone reading this, take a good look at yourself.
Are you beutiful? are you smart?
I'm not asking what other people say about you.
What do YOU think?

are you proud of who you are?

It is totally understandable if some of these answers are no. You aren't impenetrable. what people can say, it hurts. and it cuts deep.

a single "ugly" can take 50 "you are beautiful" to make you feel better. And it leaves you feeling unsure.

and it gets to a point where you have to say, screw them! i love myself! i am proud of MYSELF! and they can go fuck themselves!

And i know some people find this harder to do than others, but one day it will happen. and until then, just remember.
These people, talking bad about you, they arent your friends. they know nothing about you.

People know that they can hurt you with their words, thats why they do it. I know.
So you HAVE to ignore them.

I know it hurts, i know its hard. But its worth it.

because feeling beautiful or wanted is the best feeling someone can have.

and id like to point out, you do NOT need a girl/boy friend to make you feel like that! if you are only dating to feel loved, it will only make you miserable when it turns bad.

And you should know, if you can trust anyone, you can trust me on this. I know exactly what its liked for people to mock you whenever your back is turned. The differance is, i got past it once i realized, 'wait a second, why do i care what these people say? I love exactly who i am. And i have plenty of friends who love me for it too'!

well thats all.
I hope you took this to heart.
~~ profound pixie

1 comment:

  1. Woah...
    That's actually weird.
    I just wrote a blog before i read yours kind of about self esteem and kinda contradicting what you just said! haha


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