May 13, 2009

The Nerve!

OMFG ( I know i said i wouldnt use that but...well....shutup -_-), the nerve of some people is beyond belief! It’s like they don’t care how they act toward certain people, even if it’s some stranger. Like they don’t care if they act like total bastards and assholes to complete and total strangers!

Ugh. If you couldn’t already tell, I’m majorly pissed. Which can only mean one thing, right? Something that’s total piss-off-material happened while i was out with my friend.

So I wandered around to this little drugstore place to pick up a snack, where i met up with a friend that i met in the summer. He is completely emo,in a good way, you know, like he wears nail polish and stuff.

So yeah… I’m just minding my own business as we're leaving the store and there’s this group of guys leaning against the outside wall of the store. Everything’s fine; I’m minding my own business and they’re minding theirs, until one of the gangster-wannabe-hotshots decides he has to mutter, “Fag,” loud enough to be heard.

Oh-ha-ha, very funny where’d he pick up a word like that?

they continued to say "freak" and things along those lines.

From the looks of it, those guys had to be around my age. How immature can they get? You’d think they’d learn how stupid they sound, but apparently that guy’s friends didn’t seem to think so.

They laughed.

Not a ha-ha-you’re-so-stupid laugh, but actual flat-out, that’s-fucking-hilarious laughter!

I merely glanced back over my shoulder and shot them a glare as We continued walking away.

Think they’d get the hint to shut the fuck up?

Think again.

“Ooh, looks like Mr. Faggot and his little friend are getting angry!”

Oh, dear god, from the laughter that followed suit from his *super cool* friends you would’ve thought he just cracked some freaking hilarious dumb blonde joke.

Gah, I wanted to run back there and throw a couple punches at them so bad! But, I don’t know, I must be, like, a freaking Gandhi ‘cause I just shot them another glare and continued walking!


Why didn’t I do something? I should’ve done something.

I hate that I do this. It’s like I LET people point the jokes at me. I LET them poke with their fun and insults until I’m near the point of tears, and that just gives them even more reason to laugh.

I mean, I look back on their stupid insults and they don’t even sound that bad.

Am I overreacting?

Am I really just blowing every fucking encounter way out of proportion?

I wish I had the nerve to walk back there and say something back, instead of letting it slide like nothing happened. But no, I never have the nerve to do anything like that.

I don’t fight back.
I don’t even TALK back.
What’s wrong with me?

It’s not like they’re that much older than me. I had nothing to be intimidated about besides the fact that there were four of them and only one of me.

Do they actually think that their huge badass clothes are intimidating?
So, like, if I go out in pants that hang below my ass and a t-shirt that’s near 5 sizes too huge suddenly I’ll be intimidating and cool?

Oh, and the one guy, ooh, he even had dreadlocks to add to the badass gangster style.
Ooh, how frightening!

Ugh, it just annoys me so much.

It’s like they think they totally rule the world with their poser looks, and that if they annoy complete strangers with their immature insults that they’ll be even more powerful.


What assholes. I hate people like that.

Meh, whatever, I don’t even care anymore. I made my point.
Some people are just assholes, and there’s nothing I can change about that.

And I’m exhausted. So… goodnight.
~~Sour Pixie

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