Jun 12, 2009

Let it Out

This is hard. I hate It.

Its like...the world stopped spinning, and its to heavy for me to push it back into orbit.

Like, I have no control over anything.

I hate it.

I feel completely helpless, because all I can do to help anyone is smile, and hope it will all be alright.

I'm sorry im so incredibly unspecific, I would rather not get into details, its just... one of those moment that you have to get your feeling out, and writing them down is my only way. And it sucks.

And i have so much to say, but i cant put any of it into words. And that of course just gets me more frustrated.

Oh, thats the emotion. frustration, thats what I feel.

Frustration over being helpless, and being pushed aside, and having to allow it because I dont know any other way to be.

And now i just got myself more annoyed.

God, this sucks. What the hell do I do?

I'm trying my hardest to be perfect for everyone, but I dont know any other way to make things better. Somebody help me.

~~ frustrated pixie

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