Jun 18, 2009

Golden Circle

Today's rant is about the "Golden Circle" yeah, you heard me.

Every school or workplace has them. That group of people that everyone loves. well, everyone that matters.
Such as Teachers and Employers, important, influential people.

The exact people that fall into the :golden Circles" trap.

You see, these golden people will always get what they want, simple because they are popular. Despite possible lack of skill and talent.

These people are the ones stealing opportunities away from people who deserve them. They are loved, so they get the job, or grade.

For example I was at my brothers graduation. Guess who won every award? That's right, those sickening golden group. Those5 people who all the teachers love.

I doesn't matter who is more talented or skillful, its ALL about charisma.

and who did the music for the assembly? the student who is actually going to music school? no. The one guy who has delusioned the entire school into believing he has talent. (which must be why he is going to Western to study Sciences)

I for one, absolutely hate these stupid golden people.

Because of them, no matter how hard I work, no matter how talented I am, I can never get a lead role in a play, or become the head of a club. I will ALWAYS be in the background, behind these stupid, egotistical golden circle.

Well, I would rant more (and I probably will in "Golden Circle Part II" which we all know is coming, But it IS almost 1:00 a.m. so I will go to bed now.

~~Pissed off Pixie

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