Jun 7, 2009

Intolerance II

Well, this has gotten on my nerves more and more! I mean, what the f*** does sexuality have to do with anything???

I mean...besides, you know, sexual stuff!

but why does everything come down to it? The world is filled with well hidden homophobes. everywhere!

and for the love of god! I sick of it!

Ill give you an example, it happened all of, two minutes ago.

I was watching a video of Bill Kaulitz (singer from tokio hotel, whom I ADORE) dancing out of boredom.

I was excited because it was cute so i made my dad watch it. And what was his immediate response?

"He is Gay, right?"

what the hell? why does dancing out of boredom make you gay?

ok, admitedly, he probably is. But still, what does it matter?
gay or straight, a person is a person!

and yet, that is the first thing anyone cares about!

and half the time, its not even justified!

i mean, so what if a guy wears eyeliner, or paints their nails, I mean if girls can dress like guys, then guys should be allowed to dress like girls!

Who are we to judge? as long as it looks good, what the problem?

and serisouly, I know plenty of guys who can pull of eye shadow better than most girls I know!

I'm just pissed that this seems to be the focus of everyones attention, always the first thing you judge about a person.

And i have to say, in a world like that, its no wonder so many people wont 'come out of the closet'. I know I probably wouldnt.

anyways......I dont know much else to say in my little rant.
well, comment please! You know I luv 'em!
~~ Predict me Pixie

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