May 26, 2009


Anti Orientration-Affiliated.

I never knew I could love a word so much. After all, this just made my life so much easier. I dont feel awquard about this anymore.
oh, "this" being sexuality.

would I sound weird if i said this has been a big deal for me? Because every so often i find my self liking people i maybe shouldn't. Of course, its not like i fell in love with anyone. It was like, you know, tiny crushes that last about a week.

And hopefully I'm not the only one who found themselves liking a lot of..differant...people.

gee, this is harder to write than I thought.

You see, I'm a very touchy-feely person. I love hugs, and if you let me I will hug you and never let go!

so naturally I make people wonder why I'm always clinging to people of my same gender. And, well, when people wonder, you wonder yourself.

And I figured if i look at every person i have ever REALLY liked, they are all my opposite gender. But, they are all metero sexuals.

So naturally, I concluded "well I guess I must be bi-sexual".

But then again, I'm not attracted to either gender in specific. I just, like who i like. gender is irrelevent.

and i have never tested this theory or anything, but i figure i must be "anti-orientation-affiliated"

and, this is the first time I've spoken about this, so its still awkward, but it feels good to classify myself as something.And feel right about that something!

and now all I have to do is press that little "post button" i can do this.
I'm not nervous.
THERE! i did it!
~~satisfied pixe

May 20, 2009

bob and joe

well, I'm out of rants,(well i have more....but no time to post them all)
so i decided to let my friends have fun and play the GUESS WHO GAME!!!!

the rules:
ill give descriptions of all my pet peeves about my friends, and give them fake names like...bob or....Joe, and you have to post in the comments who you think everyone is.

(don't write full names,i don't want anyone to know i might be dissing them ;p just write so ill know if you guessed right)

who should i start with first?

Vickie is nice, you just cant be near her for more than 5 minutes without running to the nearest dollar store for some ear plugs.
oh she could marry Joe! he's even worse, especially when he doesn't shut up! But he is very nice. Once you get used to i was gonna say "quirks" but that's to nice. hes just weird.

Samantha is really nice. really, really nice. way too nice! she cant say "no" to anyone! you could probably go up and ask her to jump of a cliff into a pool of piranhas and she would do it!

oh and Teresa is kinda like that too. But shes not as bad, although it is funny because she can be a little dense.

who else? there is Carrie, who i must say i adore! with one exception....I think she lives in a soap opera. seriously! every day is a new episode! filled with plenty of drama!! But hey, soap operas ARE entertaining!

oh and George. yes, i saved the worst named for him. why? because he is the worst!
he is a clingy, hateful, self-centered a**hole.

oh and then there is Kate, another person i just LOVE! the only person who can mess with someone until it makes them go crazy! i mean that in the nicest way!, she messes with me! not so fun!

who else? oh john, hes super nice! But he makes me feel stupid! i don't like feeling stupid!
and James, who is possibly even nicer, although i don't talk to him as much. Hes one of those people you know you can always confide in.

and Jan is also kinda like that, though i don't talk to her much anymore either, which kinda makes me sad. But its okay i lobve her anyway.

then there is Alison, who is kinda like Kate, creepy! shes awesome, but she has this amazing ability to make you feel 3 feet tall. not so fun.

and Greta, shes nice , I just can't seem to get as close to her as i used to be. but not in a bad way! She is still awesome. oh but my Pet peeve is she can be really inconsiderate.

and now Ive run out of people.
enjoy and send this to everyone!
~~peeved pixie

May 13, 2009

Twisted Words of Wisdom

You know how they always say "Listen to your elders, they know best"?
well, i just had this epiphany, and i descovered that
no, they do not know best. In fact with age seems to come stupidity.

Let me fill you in on what had caused said epiphany.

I was going out to Mr.Sub with my dad. We were ordering our food when the server messed up my fathers order. (he gave him mayo instead of italian dressing)

Well, my dad proceded to throw a fit,yelling at the poor guy with fists in the air! Even after the guy had offered to re-make his sandwich!

I kept repeating "dont be rude, it was a mistake"
my father replied "its the stupid kids fault for being deaf"

might i mention my father might as well be deaf? we cannot have a single conversation that does not include a "excuse me?" or "can you repeat that?"

Anyways, when we left i told my father "it isn't nice to be rude, he would have re-made your sandwich if you had been nicer" well then my dad pointed his fit to me saying"dont tell me what to do! or who to be rude to!"

well the next hour went on something like that. lots of yelling (on my dad's part)

parents are such hypocrits.

it is always do as I say, not as I do.
But what happened to leading with example?

All those years of making sure i said "please" and "thank you", I'm not sure my Dad even knows the meaning of those words.

tell me what you think. or tell me your own story come on! click the little reply button! it doesnt bite!
~~Pissed of Pixie

The Nerve!

OMFG ( I know i said i wouldnt use that but...well....shutup -_-), the nerve of some people is beyond belief! It’s like they don’t care how they act toward certain people, even if it’s some stranger. Like they don’t care if they act like total bastards and assholes to complete and total strangers!

Ugh. If you couldn’t already tell, I’m majorly pissed. Which can only mean one thing, right? Something that’s total piss-off-material happened while i was out with my friend.

So I wandered around to this little drugstore place to pick up a snack, where i met up with a friend that i met in the summer. He is completely emo,in a good way, you know, like he wears nail polish and stuff.

So yeah… I’m just minding my own business as we're leaving the store and there’s this group of guys leaning against the outside wall of the store. Everything’s fine; I’m minding my own business and they’re minding theirs, until one of the gangster-wannabe-hotshots decides he has to mutter, “Fag,” loud enough to be heard.

Oh-ha-ha, very funny where’d he pick up a word like that?

they continued to say "freak" and things along those lines.

From the looks of it, those guys had to be around my age. How immature can they get? You’d think they’d learn how stupid they sound, but apparently that guy’s friends didn’t seem to think so.

They laughed.

Not a ha-ha-you’re-so-stupid laugh, but actual flat-out, that’s-fucking-hilarious laughter!

I merely glanced back over my shoulder and shot them a glare as We continued walking away.

Think they’d get the hint to shut the fuck up?

Think again.

“Ooh, looks like Mr. Faggot and his little friend are getting angry!”

Oh, dear god, from the laughter that followed suit from his *super cool* friends you would’ve thought he just cracked some freaking hilarious dumb blonde joke.

Gah, I wanted to run back there and throw a couple punches at them so bad! But, I don’t know, I must be, like, a freaking Gandhi ‘cause I just shot them another glare and continued walking!


Why didn’t I do something? I should’ve done something.

I hate that I do this. It’s like I LET people point the jokes at me. I LET them poke with their fun and insults until I’m near the point of tears, and that just gives them even more reason to laugh.

I mean, I look back on their stupid insults and they don’t even sound that bad.

Am I overreacting?

Am I really just blowing every fucking encounter way out of proportion?

I wish I had the nerve to walk back there and say something back, instead of letting it slide like nothing happened. But no, I never have the nerve to do anything like that.

I don’t fight back.
I don’t even TALK back.
What’s wrong with me?

It’s not like they’re that much older than me. I had nothing to be intimidated about besides the fact that there were four of them and only one of me.

Do they actually think that their huge badass clothes are intimidating?
So, like, if I go out in pants that hang below my ass and a t-shirt that’s near 5 sizes too huge suddenly I’ll be intimidating and cool?

Oh, and the one guy, ooh, he even had dreadlocks to add to the badass gangster style.
Ooh, how frightening!

Ugh, it just annoys me so much.

It’s like they think they totally rule the world with their poser looks, and that if they annoy complete strangers with their immature insults that they’ll be even more powerful.


What assholes. I hate people like that.

Meh, whatever, I don’t even care anymore. I made my point.
Some people are just assholes, and there’s nothing I can change about that.

And I’m exhausted. So… goodnight.
~~Sour Pixie

May 12, 2009

new song...again (sorry :( )

ok, ok, i know you dont wanna read other peoples lyrics....but these are MINE!
all mine!
and i need help perfecting them!
so here it is
I’ve been waiting for so long
Hoping that you would see
And I’ve been holding on this hope
That you could help me be free

But still I'm freezing
While I see
You so carefree
Cause you found
the sun inside
And I'm here waiting
Pushed aside

You found the spring
But I'm stuck in winter
Waiting for the sun
To melt my soul
And deep in your heart
I know you can save me
Please come around
Show me

I can’t stand sitting
For so long
Watching the sunset
I want the sunshine
That comes with spring
To brighten my views
Of the world


Walk away
Give in
Ignore the sun in my dreams
Let the snow fall
Deep within me
While your heart will stay in the

oh by the way, i wrote this in response to DLD's last post....I'm not incredibly sure how it relates...but it does...somehow!
well thanku! hope you enjoyed my random song!...kinda

~~ Poetic Pixie

May 11, 2009


its a pretty big topic to cover.
(and im sorry this isnt going to be my ussual fun rant, this topic is kinda serious)

Firstly, everyone and anyone reading this, take a good look at yourself.
Are you beutiful? are you smart?
I'm not asking what other people say about you.
What do YOU think?

are you proud of who you are?

It is totally understandable if some of these answers are no. You aren't impenetrable. what people can say, it hurts. and it cuts deep.

a single "ugly" can take 50 "you are beautiful" to make you feel better. And it leaves you feeling unsure.

and it gets to a point where you have to say, screw them! i love myself! i am proud of MYSELF! and they can go fuck themselves!

And i know some people find this harder to do than others, but one day it will happen. and until then, just remember.
These people, talking bad about you, they arent your friends. they know nothing about you.

People know that they can hurt you with their words, thats why they do it. I know.
So you HAVE to ignore them.

I know it hurts, i know its hard. But its worth it.

because feeling beautiful or wanted is the best feeling someone can have.

and id like to point out, you do NOT need a girl/boy friend to make you feel like that! if you are only dating to feel loved, it will only make you miserable when it turns bad.

And you should know, if you can trust anyone, you can trust me on this. I know exactly what its liked for people to mock you whenever your back is turned. The differance is, i got past it once i realized, 'wait a second, why do i care what these people say? I love exactly who i am. And i have plenty of friends who love me for it too'!

well thats all.
I hope you took this to heart.
~~ profound pixie

May 6, 2009

Its just how i seem to feel

here are a few lyrics i think everyone should read, because they are so touching!
its called glitter in the air.

Have you ever fed a lover with just your hands
Closed your eyes and trusted
Just trusted

Have you ever thrown a fistfull of glitter in the air
Have you ever looked fear in the face and said, "I just don’t care"

It's only half past the point of no return
The tip of the iceberg
The sun before the burn
The thunder before the lightning
The breath before the phrase
Have you ever felt this way

Have you ever hated yourself for staring at the phone
Your whole life waiting on the ring to prove you're not alone

Have you ever been touched so gently you had to cry
Have you ever invited a stranger to come inside

It's only half past the point of oblivion
The hourglass on the table
The walk before the run
The breath before the kiss and the fear before the flames
Have you ever felt this way

La la la la
La la la la

There you are
Sitting in the garden
Clutching my coffee
Calling me sugar
You called me sugar

Have you ever wished for an endless night
Lassoed the moon and the stars
And pulled that rope tight

Have you ever held your breath
And asked yourself, "Will it ever get better than tonight

sorry for the random plug, ill go back to my rants soon enough. >.< but really? dont you guys feel like this sometimes? every so often?i do!
~~glittery pixie (is that a word?)

May 1, 2009

thank you

OK, i seem to be writing alot of emo posts lately,
ive been in a ...weird mood.

i dont really know why, so dont ask.

and Im not saying that im feeling better, anything but.....
but you reviewers are very helpful, your messages are really helping me!

dont worry, ill be feeling better soon, and ill be back to my wonderful rants soon enough!

thank you all!

BTW: have any of you checked out cakewrecks? search it, its awesome!
~~ predict me pixie