Apr 16, 2009


wow, my last post was pretty angsty.....oops
I'm all better now! well mostly...

you see, there is this guy, lets call him...um....bill....no i mean...Bob! yeah Bob!

anyways, Bob is a very confusing person, because, when he talks, he ALWAYS flirts....always! and since i am so used to flirting, the first thing that popped into my head was,
"oh, he must like me"
the second thing was
because i mean....hes Bob, and he is just soooo...Bob-like!

so i figured, oh as long as i don't lead him on or anything it will be fine! but no! he just kept flirting, so i talked to some friends, who said, that is just the way he talks, it isn't flirting....so i though, fine whatever, and went on with my life.

a week later he tries to get me to talk about my 'feelings', well that wasn't going to happen! so i tactfully changed the subject.

anyways, long story short, now he is just getting on my nerves, not to mention he has been trying to talk to me on msn (which i have ignored) over and over, and when i don't answer, he emails me, then messages me.


well that was my rant of the week......hope you enjoyed it!

(sorry Bob)
Predict Me Pixie

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