Apr 2, 2009

Help Me!

Have you ever felt like every one was against you? i mean absolutely everyone.
even the people you thought were your friends, you BEST friends!

God i feel like crap!

Am I that horrible? that annoying?

someone tell me! i wont be mad! really!
i mean obviously i would be upset, but not at the person. If i do something that really bugs you, just tell me! ill stop! or start...depending on the problem. I'm not trying to be a bad person!

I'm not even sure what i did? what boundary did i overstep?

if i don't find out soon, i...well i dont know what will happen.
because this is too much! I'm just so depressed now, i cant even smile anymore. and I hate it, because i never like to be upset when I'm around my friends, it is unfair to them.

but i just cant help it anymore! i just cant bring myself to be happy, to smile, to joke around with my friends!

and i feel like such a baby because of it! god, someone, help me out here! before this gets worse, please!

depressed pixie

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