Apr 29, 2009

I Live Here

So, I had an epiphany earlier this evening when I had to sit around downstairs with absolutely nothing to do.
The power was out, but it was still light out so it wasn’t total darkness.
But the world is seriously so fucking quiet and still when there’re no lights or electronics on.

It’s freaky.
The entire house was like a ransacked town after a war or something.

It was so dead and deserted that I felt like I was sitting in the middle of some evacuated land.

Ah, I hate when the power goes out.
It’s not that I’m afraid of the dark or anything like that, it’s just always so quiet that you have no choice but to get lost in your thoughts.

But skipping to the epiphany part, I realized something major about my life during all of this quiet thinking time I had to analyze myself.

And you know what? I was about ready to die.
I was suffocating without my little gadgets.

I’m surprised I didn’t hyperventilate.
Okay, fine, maybe that’s a tad of an exaggeration, but seriously? I need my little widgets.

Honestly, I live on here.
The Internet, I mean. I live here. I need the Internet like… like the earth needs the sun.
My entire life pretty much revolves around the infamous World Wide Web.

When I put off homework, I’m surfing around on here, wasting my time reading shit that my mother might freak about if she ever knew.
Half of my homework even involves the use of the Internet. And you know what the saddest part is? Majority of my friends are from online.
Seriously, how sad is that? I’m so lame I can’t even function properly enough to make friends with people face to face.

Ah, god, this is so pitiful. I need the Internet to survive. A computer, no, that’s not the problem. It’s the Internet, that connection that links me to the rest of the world. Without it I’m like a lost little puppy wandering around the house unsure of what to do with myself.

I’m an Internet addict.

That’s the right term, isn’t it?
Honestly, you should see how much I freak when there’s a momentary blip and the connection blinks off.
God I’m like a vicious, rabid animal prepared to pounce anything that gets in my way until I get it back. It’s… a bit crazy.
This is really sad and pitiful, isn’t it?
I feel like a total loser, if that helps rest my case.

Okay. That’s it. I’m done with yet another pointless rant.
But I suppose there could be one point to it all, that being that I spend way too much time online like all of you fools who take the time to read every single one of my posts.
Though, despite that you’re fools like me, I love you guys for reading. =]
Yes, I know, I seem to say that every time. Maybe I’m just trying to sweet talk you all into commenting.
Mmhmm, you know I love those, too.
All right, signing off.
~~Internet Freak of Nature

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