Apr 29, 2009

Stop it, Please

Okay, I know I’ve complained about this before, but maybe it’s because summer is quickly, quickly approaching so the lovebirds are becoming giddy about their vacation plans with one another.

I don’t know, but, god, what is so enticing about sucking face out in the middle of a city street, or in the middle of a movie theater, or around the corner, hidden in the shadows, or even slammed up against a stack of lockers?

Please, somebody tell me. And it’s not even pretty to watch.
It would be one thing if they were sharing a cute, sweet kiss that’s Kodak picture perfect, but majority of the time that’s definitely not the case.

It’s usually pornographic aggressiveness and not at all one of those “aw” moments.

I really don’t know exactly what it is I’m trying to get at here, maybe it’s just because I’m in a really… weird mood.

Maybe if I ever got to experience the love that all those couples are sharing, then maybe I, too, would be in their position instead of on here ranting about the insanity of most of it.
But that’s not how it’s going to go, I’m sure.
I’m always stuck to the ranting end of the spectrum, versus the actual end with everyone who gets to experience whatever the hell it is I’m ranting about.

I feel like I’m rambling too much (if that’s possible).
And I’m going utterly mad over here.
lonely pixie

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