Apr 29, 2009

Internet Love

Okay, I know for a fact you can’t be a stranger to it (unless they don’t have this kind of shit in your country, in which case, lucky you!).
You probably see it nearly every time you sit down in front of your television for a show longer than half an hour. It’s not rare to see one of them.
They run every few commercial breaks. They have cheesy music and usually consist of ridiculous spokesmen and overly happy member testimonials. I’m talking about those commercials for finding true love online.

Those lovey-dovey matchmaking websites that’ll match you with a compatible mate that they “guarantee” will be perfect for you, or your money back. I

n a way it’s more than ridiculous. It’s like buying love with that extra money you set aside for a special treat later this month, but instead you see this ad on TV and you are sold.
And I suppose on a different level it’s even sick in a way, putting yourself out there like that.
It’s almost like selling yourself.

Like seriously, are you that desperate? But I guess some people are.
And I can’t guarantee that I won’t be one of them in the future. Though in another way, you have to admit, isn’t it slightly… exhilarating?
You’re down so low, hidden in all this darkness and then there’s a tiny light at the end of the tunnel, and eventually it leads you to happiness.

I mean you’d have to be crazy to put so much faith into such a thing, right?
Entrusting some computer with (probably) randomly selecting a probable mate for you.
Now that’s crazy.

And I have no proof to back up that those sites do or don’t work. I’m just making an opinion here.
But if you ask me, I think they’re worthless. Though these love online things are a tad ridiculous, I’m not saying that it’s impossible to find love online. Cause that’s possible, you know. Stop looking at the computer monitor that way!
It is possible!
I know; I have proof for this case. Honestly, I do. My friend's cousin found his wife online through some forum or something. And now they’re happily married with a child on the way.

Yeah, yeah, sure, it doesn’t happen everyday, I’m sure because people are so caught up and paranoid over the possibility that the person they’re falling for could turn out to be some total pervert sitting in their basement.

It’s hard not to think that because so many people are always preaching about the dangers of it all.
It’s constantly on the news; parents and teachers are always lecturing about the safeties and precautions you should take.

So you may ask yourself why you would ever trust anyone out there.
But come on now, not every good person you meet is going to turn out to be Billy Bob Joe Doe, some middle aged dude staked out in the basement of his mom’s house with no greater goal in life than to chase after little girls.

Creepy? Yes.
Disturbing? Terribly.
But is it enough reason to give up on taking a chance? No.

At least, it’s not enough reason for me. But that may just be my optimistic need for love crawling out of its nest yet again.

Don’t get me wrong here, okay? I’m not desperate enough to go and sell myself to some matchmaker website that’ll probably pair me with some hobo, but I’m optimistic that it’s possible to find true love over the Internet.

Or, let’s rephrase this: I hope that it’s possible to find true love over the Internet. Seeing as I live on here, as we’ve already established.
And I like the thought of being able to fall completely head over heels for somebody you’ve never even met face to face.

Now seriously, that has got to be real love right there. Think about it, you’ve never even been in a vicinity close enough to even touch them and yet just talking to them is enough to make you fall in love with them.
And that’s got to be real when words are more than enough to make you fall in love with them. Not even spoken words, just a bunch of text floating across a screen. Falling in love without ever seeing their face has got to be real, you don’t even need to see what they look like because you already know they have to be beautiful just from what they think and say.

God…I’m such a hopeless romantic, aren’t I?

Hah, sorry guys.
I didn’t mean to have yet another post with me rambling on and on about love.
But you all seemed to really enjoy the last post about love, or at least from the amount of comments you all left.
And thanks for all of those.
You really made me feel better. =]
I definitely don’t feel as alone anymore.
Huh… well, I guess that’s all I’ve got to say this time.
~~Predicting Pixie of Internet Love

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