Apr 29, 2009


I don't know why... But for some reason I really want to cry right now

But really, I have no idea why! I guess I just feel kinda.... Lonely
Like, I had an amazing day earlier, evey thing went well!
And then u came home, and it's not that anything bad happened... But, nothing good happened either

It feels kinda... God I can't think of the word , well I just feel pathetic
I'm the youngest in my family, and ever since my sister came home
From college I have been completely puhed aside, and it feels like I'm Totally unimportant

Ok, I know that that isn't true but it really feels that way!

And I wish I could be mad at someone for it, but it really only
My fault, because no one has done anything wrong, I just seem to love getting depressed I've things..,

I feel stupid

God I am stupid !!!

I'm a fucking idiot

I hate my life!
Well I don't , but ...we'll you know hat I mean!

I'm sure yu all have been through this too at some point!
Please reasure me with your messages!

I look for ward to them!
It makes me feel loved
Please love me
~~ pathetic pixie

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