Oct 11, 2009

Family Portrait

You say we dont believe
because we arent quite like you.
You say we dont believe
just because you do.

you act like everything you've done
is wasted on us.
you act like everything I've done
could never help us.

You think everything in life
just has to be perfect.
You must think everything in life
is the opposite of me.

you told me you wouldn't cry
was it because of your pride?
yet all I could do was cry
it hurt too much inside.

You say we dont believe
because we aren't quite like you.
You say we dont believe

But who do you think i pray to
when you say you are gonna leave.

Aug 17, 2009

New blog.

Every One.

I would like to introduce my newest friend.

Paper Dresses.

My new blog. Dont worry i will continue writing this blog as well, but i strongly encourage checking out my other blog, I post daily, so there is always something to follow.

here is the link.




Aug 10, 2009


I just came home from watching "Julie and Julia" and do you know what I realized?

This blog sucks.

I mean really, who wants to read this? When have I written about anything anyone (besides my friends and family) would want to read?

Have you guys read "Cake Wrecks" its hilarious! Which is why I have decided to write about something.

After all, here I am, expecting all of you to care what I had for breakfast. Well no more.

You heard me. From now on I'll write about something relevant.

Something with interest.

Something like...



ok, I admit. That's as far as I got.

But I promise, as soon as I think of something, I'll write about it.

How hard can it be to think of something. Im sure there are plenty of things I have interest in which I could write about.

Ladies and Gentlemen, it is times like these which I realize, I am kinda pathetic.

Wait a minute, I've got it! All I had to do was glance over my shoulder, and there it is.

The glorious, messy pile of fashion magazines, sitting on the bench near my desk.

Teen Vogue. Seventeen. Elle. Fashion Illustrated.

Starting today, I will write a new blog. Following my pursuit of amazing fashion.

Well, it seems i have to go make a new blog.

till next time.
~~Inspired Pixie

Jul 31, 2009

Boring alert!

Friday already?

well, you guys were lucky, this week, i have so many things I could talk about!

unfortunately, in the last hour i have become a little depressed, and I'm not in the mood to tell all my hilarious encounters.

you see today was the last day of an acting workshop I took during July. this was my second year attending, and my last.

And well, I feel almost like I'm leaving something behind.

As I walked through the subway station to head home, i just had this overwhelming feeling of regret. The thing is, I don't know why yet.

So i feel confused, and a little depressed, all at the same time.


(Sorry that this post is so boring, but i needed at least one post this week, and I would have posted earlier but the performance took over my life a bit)

~~Boring Pixie

Jul 24, 2009


I dont want to go out today.

I just want to sit in my room and sulk.

And yet here I am, putting on my make-up, getting ready to face the world.
You know, I never really thought about why I wear make-up, every day.

Why I won't leave the house without.

then I realized, I'm not putting on make-up. I'm putting on a face. Becoming someone else.
someone confident, someone without any regrets.

And god, do I regrets.

I regret rushing into everything, and making assumptions, and never thinking anything over until its too late.

I regret hurting the people who care, and helping the people who don't.

And most of all, I hate that I can never do anything about it.

~~Dissapointed Pixie

Jul 19, 2009

excuses, excuses

ok, ok I know you guys hate me for not blogging last Friday, but i have an excuse!

I did blog, on Monday!....but then i deleted it because It was mean and the people i was talking about read my blog, therefore, not a good idea to blog about them.

hehe :P

so here is my slightly late blog post!

sorry that I'll be a little late with my blogs right now, my life is being taken over by the musical I am in right now.

seriously, I go to bed at 9, almost every night!

well, that's all I had to say, farewell!

until next week (or Friday)
~~ profound pixie

Jul 3, 2009

a promise is a promise

you know how I said that I would ALWAYS post once a week? well a promise is a promise, here is your weekly post!

But I would like to clarify one thing, Although I promised to post something, I did not say it would be any good!

ABSOLUTELY nothing of interest has occured as of yet, so I have virtually nothing to talk about.

but never the less, here is my post.


"I hate bugs"

~~Predict Me Pixie

Jun 23, 2009


That's right, I caved.

I officially have a twitter account.
yes, i am ashamed. yes, i am in fact a little dead inside. and yes, I am addicted.

It is useful for getting news on my favourite bands and stuff , since I have yet to get any of my friend's accounts.

and...oh my god. I'm like a talking twitter commercial or something O.o

kill me!!

oh, and here is a link!

~~Corrupted Pixie

Jun 18, 2009


Confessing is hard. Sometimes, things happen that weren't supposed to. Sometimes, things just get out of hand, and it becomes hard to stop it.

Well, I did manage to end my problem. And let me tell you, it hurts like hell.

You see, In English class we were working on our poetry unit. and I LOVE poetry. Our teacher wanted us to write a poem in class, and usually I have no problem with this, but for some reason, I couldn't think. So i took a song that was in my head and made some stupid changes, and voila . a poem.

The thing is everyone loved it. My teacher made me submit it into our school literary magazine, he was offering extra marks, so I said yes.

Well, the magazine was entered into some contest, we didn't win but the magazine which our school magazine was submitted to loved my poem to.
So they asked to use it in their next issue of their magazine.

That's when things got out of hand. Because, I really wanted to say yes!

you know, just because I wanted to feel special. who doesn't?

But i kept thinking, what if someone finds out? what if they know it wasn't mine?

so i told the magazine fine, use my poem, but let it stay anonymous. I thought, if I did that, no one would know.

Then I told my mom that i was planning to submit it anonymously, and she said I shouldn't because I would be missing out on alot of opportunities.

So i asked my dad. and he said "well, was it original?"

and that's all it took.

I confessed, and told him everything.

And it was really hard, because it makes you feel incredibly worthless. then i had to go, and email back the magazine that I wouldn't let them use the poem. And I just felt so stupid. And I hate it.

But whats worse?
I submitted 8 other poems into the magazine, poems that were mine, that I was so proud of. And they didn't care.

The only way any one will ever look at my poems, is if they aren't even my own.

It just shows, I am worthless.

Golden Circle

Today's rant is about the "Golden Circle" yeah, you heard me.

Every school or workplace has them. That group of people that everyone loves. well, everyone that matters.
Such as Teachers and Employers, important, influential people.

The exact people that fall into the :golden Circles" trap.

You see, these golden people will always get what they want, simple because they are popular. Despite possible lack of skill and talent.

These people are the ones stealing opportunities away from people who deserve them. They are loved, so they get the job, or grade.

For example I was at my brothers graduation. Guess who won every award? That's right, those sickening golden group. Those5 people who all the teachers love.

I doesn't matter who is more talented or skillful, its ALL about charisma.

and who did the music for the assembly? the student who is actually going to music school? no. The one guy who has delusioned the entire school into believing he has talent. (which must be why he is going to Western to study Sciences)

I for one, absolutely hate these stupid golden people.

Because of them, no matter how hard I work, no matter how talented I am, I can never get a lead role in a play, or become the head of a club. I will ALWAYS be in the background, behind these stupid, egotistical golden circle.

Well, I would rant more (and I probably will in "Golden Circle Part II" which we all know is coming, But it IS almost 1:00 a.m. so I will go to bed now.

~~Pissed off Pixie

Jun 13, 2009


OK, I have a new blogging policy(hopefully)!

I will, (hopefully) without fail, post at least ONE blog a week.....I hope, so check my blog every Friday from now on, and there will be at least ONE weekly (hopefully) post!!!!!!!!!!!

if I do not post, I promise, I will have a VERY valid explanation (hopefully).
~~ Hopefull Policy Pixie

Jun 12, 2009

Let it Out

This is hard. I hate It.

Its like...the world stopped spinning, and its to heavy for me to push it back into orbit.

Like, I have no control over anything.

I hate it.

I feel completely helpless, because all I can do to help anyone is smile, and hope it will all be alright.

I'm sorry im so incredibly unspecific, I would rather not get into details, its just... one of those moment that you have to get your feeling out, and writing them down is my only way. And it sucks.

And i have so much to say, but i cant put any of it into words. And that of course just gets me more frustrated.

Oh, thats the emotion. frustration, thats what I feel.

Frustration over being helpless, and being pushed aside, and having to allow it because I dont know any other way to be.

And now i just got myself more annoyed.

God, this sucks. What the hell do I do?

I'm trying my hardest to be perfect for everyone, but I dont know any other way to make things better. Somebody help me.

~~ frustrated pixie

Worlds Shortest Blog Post #2

I failed my exam....T_T

~~Predict Me Pixie

Jun 10, 2009

Worlds Shortest Blog Post

I AM GOING TO FAIL MY EXAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SAVE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


~~Terrified Pixie

Jun 7, 2009

Intolerance II

Well, this has gotten on my nerves more and more! I mean, what the f*** does sexuality have to do with anything???

I mean...besides, you know, sexual stuff!

but why does everything come down to it? The world is filled with well hidden homophobes. everywhere!

and for the love of god! I sick of it!

Ill give you an example, it happened all of, two minutes ago.

I was watching a video of Bill Kaulitz (singer from tokio hotel, whom I ADORE) dancing out of boredom.

I was excited because it was cute so i made my dad watch it. And what was his immediate response?

"He is Gay, right?"

what the hell? why does dancing out of boredom make you gay?

ok, admitedly, he probably is. But still, what does it matter?
gay or straight, a person is a person!

and yet, that is the first thing anyone cares about!

and half the time, its not even justified!

i mean, so what if a guy wears eyeliner, or paints their nails, I mean if girls can dress like guys, then guys should be allowed to dress like girls!

Who are we to judge? as long as it looks good, what the problem?

and serisouly, I know plenty of guys who can pull of eye shadow better than most girls I know!

I'm just pissed that this seems to be the focus of everyones attention, always the first thing you judge about a person.

And i have to say, in a world like that, its no wonder so many people wont 'come out of the closet'. I know I probably wouldnt.

anyways......I dont know much else to say in my little rant.
well, comment please! You know I luv 'em!
~~ Predict me Pixie

Jun 2, 2009


I have been meaning to talk about this topic for a while

ever since, lets see, that last week of American idol....yah about then.
have you ever noticed how intolerant people are of gays? and other people too, intolerance is a huge topic, but lets focus on one section.

for instance, last week i was walking down the halls at my school when some guys were talking about who won American idol.

well their conversation went something like this:

Guy1: did you watch American idol last night?
Guy2: no, what happened?
1: oh the gay guy didn't win
2:which one is he?
1:you know the faggot who wore all the f*cking make up.

am I the only person who finds that offensive? and just the way they said it! as if he was disgusting!!!

i dont get it! what the hell do people have a problem with? What is so wrong about liking your own gender. I don't get it!

It isn't you're choice who you love, it doesn't change what kind of person you are.
All these people go on that its "against god". well, god is the one who decided who you love, if he chose it, how is it against it???

oh, and the fact they keep banning gay marriage? I just don't understand it! I got so angry while watching the news, with all these people saying how its "wrong" and "a perversion of nature".

give me a break!

If a man and woman can marry, why cant two men? or two women?
people are so wrapped up with what their parents taught them they don't realize there is NOTHING wrong with gay marriage.

love is love, it doesn't matter who! you might as well say a model cant marry a fat man...."its un-natural"

its bullshit

Every time I hear the word "fag" i want to punch someone. Maybe I'm taking too much offense, but it really pisses me off!

i absolutely hate people who are unexcepting and intolerant.

tell me what you think
~~annoyed pixie

May 26, 2009


Anti Orientration-Affiliated.

I never knew I could love a word so much. After all, this just made my life so much easier. I dont feel awquard about this anymore.
oh, "this" being sexuality.

would I sound weird if i said this has been a big deal for me? Because every so often i find my self liking people i maybe shouldn't. Of course, its not like i fell in love with anyone. It was like, you know, tiny crushes that last about a week.

And hopefully I'm not the only one who found themselves liking a lot of..differant...people.

gee, this is harder to write than I thought.

You see, I'm a very touchy-feely person. I love hugs, and if you let me I will hug you and never let go!

so naturally I make people wonder why I'm always clinging to people of my same gender. And, well, when people wonder, you wonder yourself.

And I figured if i look at every person i have ever REALLY liked, they are all my opposite gender. But, they are all metero sexuals.

So naturally, I concluded "well I guess I must be bi-sexual".

But then again, I'm not attracted to either gender in specific. I just, like who i like. gender is irrelevent.

and i have never tested this theory or anything, but i figure i must be "anti-orientation-affiliated"

and, this is the first time I've spoken about this, so its still awkward, but it feels good to classify myself as something.And feel right about that something!

and now all I have to do is press that little "post button" i can do this.
I'm not nervous.
THERE! i did it!
~~satisfied pixe

May 20, 2009

bob and joe

well, I'm out of rants,(well i have more....but no time to post them all)
so i decided to let my friends have fun and play the GUESS WHO GAME!!!!

the rules:
ill give descriptions of all my pet peeves about my friends, and give them fake names like...bob or....Joe, and you have to post in the comments who you think everyone is.

(don't write full names,i don't want anyone to know i might be dissing them ;p just write so ill know if you guessed right)

who should i start with first?

Vickie is nice, you just cant be near her for more than 5 minutes without running to the nearest dollar store for some ear plugs.
oh she could marry Joe! he's even worse, especially when he doesn't shut up! But he is very nice. Once you get used to his.....um...well i was gonna say "quirks" but that's to nice. hes just weird.

Samantha is really nice. really, really nice. way too nice! she cant say "no" to anyone! you could probably go up and ask her to jump of a cliff into a pool of piranhas and she would do it!

oh and Teresa is kinda like that too. But shes not as bad, although it is funny because she can be a little dense.

who else? there is Carrie, who i must say i adore! with one exception....I think she lives in a soap opera. seriously! every day is a new episode! filled with plenty of drama!! But hey, soap operas ARE entertaining!

oh and George. yes, i saved the worst named for him. why? because he is the worst!
he is a clingy, hateful, self-centered a**hole.

oh and then there is Kate, another person i just LOVE! the only person who can mess with someone until it makes them go crazy! i mean that in the nicest way! oh...my pet-peeve...um, she messes with me! not so fun!

who else? oh john, hes super nice! But he makes me feel stupid! i don't like feeling stupid!
and James, who is possibly even nicer, although i don't talk to him as much. Hes one of those people you know you can always confide in.

and Jan is also kinda like that, though i don't talk to her much anymore either, which kinda makes me sad. But its okay i lobve her anyway.

then there is Alison, who is kinda like Kate, creepy! shes awesome, but she has this amazing ability to make you feel 3 feet tall. not so fun.

and Greta, shes nice , I just can't seem to get as close to her as i used to be. but not in a bad way! She is still awesome. oh but my Pet peeve is she can be really inconsiderate.

and now Ive run out of people.
enjoy and send this to everyone!
~~peeved pixie

May 13, 2009

Twisted Words of Wisdom

You know how they always say "Listen to your elders, they know best"?
well, i just had this epiphany, and i descovered that
no, they do not know best. In fact with age seems to come stupidity.

Let me fill you in on what had caused said epiphany.

I was going out to Mr.Sub with my dad. We were ordering our food when the server messed up my fathers order. (he gave him mayo instead of italian dressing)

Well, my dad proceded to throw a fit,yelling at the poor guy with fists in the air! Even after the guy had offered to re-make his sandwich!

I kept repeating "dont be rude, it was a mistake"
my father replied "its the stupid kids fault for being deaf"

might i mention my father might as well be deaf? we cannot have a single conversation that does not include a "excuse me?" or "can you repeat that?"

Anyways, when we left i told my father "it isn't nice to be rude, he would have re-made your sandwich if you had been nicer" well then my dad pointed his fit to me saying"dont tell me what to do! or who to be rude to!"

well the next hour went on something like that. lots of yelling (on my dad's part)

parents are such hypocrits.

it is always do as I say, not as I do.
But what happened to leading with example?

All those years of making sure i said "please" and "thank you", I'm not sure my Dad even knows the meaning of those words.

tell me what you think. or tell me your own story come on! click the little reply button! it doesnt bite!
~~Pissed of Pixie

The Nerve!

OMFG ( I know i said i wouldnt use that but...well....shutup -_-), the nerve of some people is beyond belief! It’s like they don’t care how they act toward certain people, even if it’s some stranger. Like they don’t care if they act like total bastards and assholes to complete and total strangers!

Ugh. If you couldn’t already tell, I’m majorly pissed. Which can only mean one thing, right? Something that’s total piss-off-material happened while i was out with my friend.

So I wandered around to this little drugstore place to pick up a snack, where i met up with a friend that i met in the summer. He is completely emo,in a good way, you know, like he wears nail polish and stuff.

So yeah… I’m just minding my own business as we're leaving the store and there’s this group of guys leaning against the outside wall of the store. Everything’s fine; I’m minding my own business and they’re minding theirs, until one of the gangster-wannabe-hotshots decides he has to mutter, “Fag,” loud enough to be heard.

Oh-ha-ha, very funny where’d he pick up a word like that?

they continued to say "freak" and things along those lines.

From the looks of it, those guys had to be around my age. How immature can they get? You’d think they’d learn how stupid they sound, but apparently that guy’s friends didn’t seem to think so.

They laughed.

Not a ha-ha-you’re-so-stupid laugh, but actual flat-out, that’s-fucking-hilarious laughter!

I merely glanced back over my shoulder and shot them a glare as We continued walking away.

Think they’d get the hint to shut the fuck up?

Think again.

“Ooh, looks like Mr. Faggot and his little friend are getting angry!”

Oh, dear god, from the laughter that followed suit from his *super cool* friends you would’ve thought he just cracked some freaking hilarious dumb blonde joke.

Gah, I wanted to run back there and throw a couple punches at them so bad! But, I don’t know, I must be, like, a freaking Gandhi ‘cause I just shot them another glare and continued walking!


Why didn’t I do something? I should’ve done something.

I hate that I do this. It’s like I LET people point the jokes at me. I LET them poke with their fun and insults until I’m near the point of tears, and that just gives them even more reason to laugh.

I mean, I look back on their stupid insults and they don’t even sound that bad.

Am I overreacting?

Am I really just blowing every fucking encounter way out of proportion?

I wish I had the nerve to walk back there and say something back, instead of letting it slide like nothing happened. But no, I never have the nerve to do anything like that.

I don’t fight back.
I don’t even TALK back.
What’s wrong with me?

It’s not like they’re that much older than me. I had nothing to be intimidated about besides the fact that there were four of them and only one of me.

Do they actually think that their huge badass clothes are intimidating?
So, like, if I go out in pants that hang below my ass and a t-shirt that’s near 5 sizes too huge suddenly I’ll be intimidating and cool?

Oh, and the one guy, ooh, he even had dreadlocks to add to the badass gangster style.
Ooh, how frightening!

Ugh, it just annoys me so much.

It’s like they think they totally rule the world with their poser looks, and that if they annoy complete strangers with their immature insults that they’ll be even more powerful.


What assholes. I hate people like that.

Meh, whatever, I don’t even care anymore. I made my point.
Some people are just assholes, and there’s nothing I can change about that.

And I’m exhausted. So… goodnight.
~~Sour Pixie

May 12, 2009

new song...again (sorry :( )

ok, ok, i know you dont wanna read other peoples lyrics....but these are MINE!
all mine!
and i need help perfecting them!
so here it is
I’ve been waiting for so long
Hoping that you would see
And I’ve been holding on this hope
That you could help me be free

But still I'm freezing
While I see
You so carefree
Cause you found
the sun inside
And I'm here waiting
Pushed aside

You found the spring
But I'm stuck in winter
Waiting for the sun
To melt my soul
And deep in your heart
I know you can save me
Please come around
Show me

I can’t stand sitting
For so long
Watching the sunset
I want the sunshine
That comes with spring
To brighten my views
Of the world


Walk away
Give in
Ignore the sun in my dreams
Let the snow fall
Deep within me
While your heart will stay in the

oh by the way, i wrote this in response to DLD's last post....I'm not incredibly sure how it relates...but it does...somehow!
well thanku! hope you enjoyed my random song!...kinda

~~ Poetic Pixie

May 11, 2009


its a pretty big topic to cover.
(and im sorry this isnt going to be my ussual fun rant, this topic is kinda serious)

Firstly, everyone and anyone reading this, take a good look at yourself.
Are you beutiful? are you smart?
I'm not asking what other people say about you.
What do YOU think?

are you proud of who you are?

It is totally understandable if some of these answers are no. You aren't impenetrable. what people can say, it hurts. and it cuts deep.

a single "ugly" can take 50 "you are beautiful" to make you feel better. And it leaves you feeling unsure.

and it gets to a point where you have to say, screw them! i love myself! i am proud of MYSELF! and they can go fuck themselves!

And i know some people find this harder to do than others, but one day it will happen. and until then, just remember.
These people, talking bad about you, they arent your friends. they know nothing about you.

People know that they can hurt you with their words, thats why they do it. I know.
So you HAVE to ignore them.

I know it hurts, i know its hard. But its worth it.

because feeling beautiful or wanted is the best feeling someone can have.

and id like to point out, you do NOT need a girl/boy friend to make you feel like that! if you are only dating to feel loved, it will only make you miserable when it turns bad.

And you should know, if you can trust anyone, you can trust me on this. I know exactly what its liked for people to mock you whenever your back is turned. The differance is, i got past it once i realized, 'wait a second, why do i care what these people say? I love exactly who i am. And i have plenty of friends who love me for it too'!

well thats all.
I hope you took this to heart.
~~ profound pixie

May 6, 2009

Its just how i seem to feel

here are a few lyrics i think everyone should read, because they are so touching!
its called glitter in the air.

Have you ever fed a lover with just your hands
Closed your eyes and trusted
Just trusted

Have you ever thrown a fistfull of glitter in the air
Have you ever looked fear in the face and said, "I just don’t care"

It's only half past the point of no return
The tip of the iceberg
The sun before the burn
The thunder before the lightning
The breath before the phrase
Have you ever felt this way

Have you ever hated yourself for staring at the phone
Your whole life waiting on the ring to prove you're not alone

Have you ever been touched so gently you had to cry
Have you ever invited a stranger to come inside

It's only half past the point of oblivion
The hourglass on the table
The walk before the run
The breath before the kiss and the fear before the flames
Have you ever felt this way

La la la la
La la la la

There you are
Sitting in the garden
Clutching my coffee
Calling me sugar
You called me sugar

Have you ever wished for an endless night
Lassoed the moon and the stars
And pulled that rope tight

Have you ever held your breath
And asked yourself, "Will it ever get better than tonight

sorry for the random plug, ill go back to my rants soon enough. >.< but really? dont you guys feel like this sometimes? every so often?i do!
~~glittery pixie (is that a word?)

May 1, 2009

thank you

OK, i seem to be writing alot of emo posts lately,
ive been in a ...weird mood.

i dont really know why, so dont ask.

and Im not saying that im feeling better, anything but.....
but you reviewers are very helpful, your messages are really helping me!

dont worry, ill be feeling better soon, and ill be back to my wonderful rants soon enough!

thank you all!

BTW: have any of you checked out cakewrecks? search it, its awesome!
~~ predict me pixie

Apr 30, 2009

I'm not my sister, so sorry!

Have you ever noticed how parents can't seem to pay attention to more than one child at a time?
I mean seriously!

Well as u have said before, I am the youngest in my family, and they always say the youngest gets the most attention , but I guess my family must be freaks, because I am being completely ignored.

I'm, well that's exaggerating.... But only a little .
Everything I do is compared to my big sister and brother, everything

So like, give minutes ago I was helping dry dishes with my mum and sister, and when I said I didn't know where the dishes went, my mum gets angry And goes on and on about how I should be more like my sister!
And she wonders why I have a minority complex!

God!.... Gaaahh! I'm just so frustrated! I have locked my self in my room just to avoid them!

Now I don't even have a comp to write this on! I'm udon my iPod, Whig by the way is awesome! Although it's the reason this post probably has tons of typos!

Well I'm out of things to say, love me with your comments!
~~ still not my sister

~~ predict me pixie

Apr 29, 2009


I don't know why... But for some reason I really want to cry right now

But really, I have no idea why! I guess I just feel kinda.... Lonely
Like, I had an amazing day earlier, evey thing went well!
And then u came home, and it's not that anything bad happened... But, nothing good happened either

It feels kinda... God I can't think of the word , well I just feel pathetic
I'm the youngest in my family, and ever since my sister came home
From college I have been completely puhed aside, and it feels like I'm Totally unimportant

Ok, I know that that isn't true but it really feels that way!

And I wish I could be mad at someone for it, but it really only
My fault, because no one has done anything wrong, I just seem to love getting depressed I've things..,

I feel stupid

God I am stupid !!!

I'm a fucking idiot

I hate my life!
Well I don't , but ...we'll you know hat I mean!

I'm sure yu all have been through this too at some point!
Please reasure me with your messages!

I look for ward to them!
It makes me feel loved
Please love me
~~ pathetic pixie

Stop it, Please

Okay, I know I’ve complained about this before, but maybe it’s because summer is quickly, quickly approaching so the lovebirds are becoming giddy about their vacation plans with one another.

I don’t know, but, god, what is so enticing about sucking face out in the middle of a city street, or in the middle of a movie theater, or around the corner, hidden in the shadows, or even slammed up against a stack of lockers?

Please, somebody tell me. And it’s not even pretty to watch.
It would be one thing if they were sharing a cute, sweet kiss that’s Kodak picture perfect, but majority of the time that’s definitely not the case.

It’s usually pornographic aggressiveness and not at all one of those “aw” moments.

I really don’t know exactly what it is I’m trying to get at here, maybe it’s just because I’m in a really… weird mood.

Maybe if I ever got to experience the love that all those couples are sharing, then maybe I, too, would be in their position instead of on here ranting about the insanity of most of it.
But that’s not how it’s going to go, I’m sure.
I’m always stuck to the ranting end of the spectrum, versus the actual end with everyone who gets to experience whatever the hell it is I’m ranting about.

I feel like I’m rambling too much (if that’s possible).
And I’m going utterly mad over here.
lonely pixie

Internet Love

Okay, I know for a fact you can’t be a stranger to it (unless they don’t have this kind of shit in your country, in which case, lucky you!).
You probably see it nearly every time you sit down in front of your television for a show longer than half an hour. It’s not rare to see one of them.
They run every few commercial breaks. They have cheesy music and usually consist of ridiculous spokesmen and overly happy member testimonials. I’m talking about those commercials for finding true love online.

Those lovey-dovey matchmaking websites that’ll match you with a compatible mate that they “guarantee” will be perfect for you, or your money back. I

n a way it’s more than ridiculous. It’s like buying love with that extra money you set aside for a special treat later this month, but instead you see this ad on TV and you are sold.
And I suppose on a different level it’s even sick in a way, putting yourself out there like that.
It’s almost like selling yourself.

Like seriously, are you that desperate? But I guess some people are.
And I can’t guarantee that I won’t be one of them in the future. Though in another way, you have to admit, isn’t it slightly… exhilarating?
You’re down so low, hidden in all this darkness and then there’s a tiny light at the end of the tunnel, and eventually it leads you to happiness.

I mean you’d have to be crazy to put so much faith into such a thing, right?
Entrusting some computer with (probably) randomly selecting a probable mate for you.
Now that’s crazy.

And I have no proof to back up that those sites do or don’t work. I’m just making an opinion here.
But if you ask me, I think they’re worthless. Though these love online things are a tad ridiculous, I’m not saying that it’s impossible to find love online. Cause that’s possible, you know. Stop looking at the computer monitor that way!
It is possible!
I know; I have proof for this case. Honestly, I do. My friend's cousin found his wife online through some forum or something. And now they’re happily married with a child on the way.

Yeah, yeah, sure, it doesn’t happen everyday, I’m sure because people are so caught up and paranoid over the possibility that the person they’re falling for could turn out to be some total pervert sitting in their basement.

It’s hard not to think that because so many people are always preaching about the dangers of it all.
It’s constantly on the news; parents and teachers are always lecturing about the safeties and precautions you should take.

So you may ask yourself why you would ever trust anyone out there.
But come on now, not every good person you meet is going to turn out to be Billy Bob Joe Doe, some middle aged dude staked out in the basement of his mom’s house with no greater goal in life than to chase after little girls.

Creepy? Yes.
Disturbing? Terribly.
But is it enough reason to give up on taking a chance? No.

At least, it’s not enough reason for me. But that may just be my optimistic need for love crawling out of its nest yet again.

Don’t get me wrong here, okay? I’m not desperate enough to go and sell myself to some matchmaker website that’ll probably pair me with some hobo, but I’m optimistic that it’s possible to find true love over the Internet.

Or, let’s rephrase this: I hope that it’s possible to find true love over the Internet. Seeing as I live on here, as we’ve already established.
And I like the thought of being able to fall completely head over heels for somebody you’ve never even met face to face.

Now seriously, that has got to be real love right there. Think about it, you’ve never even been in a vicinity close enough to even touch them and yet just talking to them is enough to make you fall in love with them.
And that’s got to be real when words are more than enough to make you fall in love with them. Not even spoken words, just a bunch of text floating across a screen. Falling in love without ever seeing their face has got to be real, you don’t even need to see what they look like because you already know they have to be beautiful just from what they think and say.

God…I’m such a hopeless romantic, aren’t I?

Hah, sorry guys.
I didn’t mean to have yet another post with me rambling on and on about love.
But you all seemed to really enjoy the last post about love, or at least from the amount of comments you all left.
And thanks for all of those.
You really made me feel better. =]
I definitely don’t feel as alone anymore.
Huh… well, I guess that’s all I’ve got to say this time.
~~Predicting Pixie of Internet Love

I Live Here

So, I had an epiphany earlier this evening when I had to sit around downstairs with absolutely nothing to do.
The power was out, but it was still light out so it wasn’t total darkness.
But the world is seriously so fucking quiet and still when there’re no lights or electronics on.

It’s freaky.
The entire house was like a ransacked town after a war or something.

It was so dead and deserted that I felt like I was sitting in the middle of some evacuated land.

Ah, I hate when the power goes out.
It’s not that I’m afraid of the dark or anything like that, it’s just always so quiet that you have no choice but to get lost in your thoughts.

But skipping to the epiphany part, I realized something major about my life during all of this quiet thinking time I had to analyze myself.

And you know what? I was about ready to die.
I was suffocating without my little gadgets.

I’m surprised I didn’t hyperventilate.
Okay, fine, maybe that’s a tad of an exaggeration, but seriously? I need my little widgets.

Honestly, I live on here.
The Internet, I mean. I live here. I need the Internet like… like the earth needs the sun.
My entire life pretty much revolves around the infamous World Wide Web.

When I put off homework, I’m surfing around on here, wasting my time reading shit that my mother might freak about if she ever knew.
Half of my homework even involves the use of the Internet. And you know what the saddest part is? Majority of my friends are from online.
Seriously, how sad is that? I’m so lame I can’t even function properly enough to make friends with people face to face.

Ah, god, this is so pitiful. I need the Internet to survive. A computer, no, that’s not the problem. It’s the Internet, that connection that links me to the rest of the world. Without it I’m like a lost little puppy wandering around the house unsure of what to do with myself.

I’m an Internet addict.

That’s the right term, isn’t it?
Honestly, you should see how much I freak when there’s a momentary blip and the connection blinks off.
God I’m like a vicious, rabid animal prepared to pounce anything that gets in my way until I get it back. It’s… a bit crazy.
This is really sad and pitiful, isn’t it?
I feel like a total loser, if that helps rest my case.

Okay. That’s it. I’m done with yet another pointless rant.
But I suppose there could be one point to it all, that being that I spend way too much time online like all of you fools who take the time to read every single one of my posts.
Though, despite that you’re fools like me, I love you guys for reading. =]
Yes, I know, I seem to say that every time. Maybe I’m just trying to sweet talk you all into commenting.
Mmhmm, you know I love those, too.
All right, signing off.
~~Internet Freak of Nature

Last Night...

Last night I ended up crying myself to sleep.
I lied down with the intention of just falling straight to sleep because I was so exhausted, but I ended up rolling over in my restless sleep and before I could even make out the glowing digits on my clock, these tears started welling in my eyes beyond my control.

I guess my whole rant yesterday about the PDA and couples being everywhere finally got to me unconsciously.
I guess my whole reason for hating to see all those public displays of affection is because I can’t display any myself. Sometimes I’m completely all right with being single and then there’re other times, like last night, when I want to curl into a ball and cry in my own self-misery.

There are times when I just feel so incredibly alone that all I long for is a pair of arms to wrap around me. Or when I just want someone to hold me and tell me that life’s going to be okay, and I mean someone other than my own mother.

But it’s weird.
I tell myself not to worry so fucking much, I mean, I’m only a teenager. I have time to deal with love and all the glorious things that go with it; I shouldn't be worrying like this!
I shouldn't be crying myself to sleep because I’m afraid I won’t ever get the chance to experience real love like I see out on the streets, or the type of love I see old couples sharing. Seriously, I want to cry when I see an older couple, where they’re both, like, in their 80s and they’re still so in love. It’s crazy! Think how long they’ve been together; think how much they’ve gone through with one another; think how many fights they’ve had, but think how many times they’ve made up and gotten through the tough times.

I want a love like that, a true, real love that’s so deep that we’ll be together until we’re old cripples in a nursing home. I want someone to grow old with, someone to help me through all the hard times and someone to laugh with me through all the good times.

If I mention this to someone like my mom, she takes the mother’s oath and assures me that I’ll find happiness later in life. She tells me that love will come to me, but when I’m older. Fuck that, it’s not always like that!
She even has the nerve to tell me not to worry, because everything will fall into place for me when I’m older.
When I’m older.

Screw that, I don’t want to wait until then.
What if it doesn’t fall into place, what if it all comes crashing down around me? I’m sure it could.

It’s not like tons of people love me now.
I have two REAL friends as it is, and that’s a near miracle. The rest of my school ignores me.
They say I’m a freak of nature all because they think I dress weird.
If kids at my own school don’t even understand me, then how are people out in the real world supposed to understand me?
How am I supposed to be reassured that one person out there in the huge world will look through the crowd, catch me, and understand me enough so that they’ll even fall in love with me?
What are my chances?

There’re like 6.6 billion people in the world, and I’m supposed to be reassured that one of those 6.6 billion people will understand me.
That really narrows it down for me, doesn’t it? I wish I could skip ahead in life, or get a sneak preview just to know if things end up well or not, and then maybe I’d be able to fall asleep at night without worrying about where I’ll be in the future.

I’m scared of what the future holds for me, in terms of love especially.

I couldn’t care less about what kind of job I’ll have, or if I’ll be living in a mansion or a shack out in the middle of the woods with no running water. I don’t care if I never have kids.
All I want to know is whose face I’ll roll over to see in bed every morning for the rest of my life.

But wishing won’t work, I know that much.
There’s no genie in a bottle, so I’m out of luck. I just… I don’t know… Am I the only one who feels like this?
And at this age? Speaking of love life shit.

please comment
~~Hopeless Romantic

Apr 16, 2009


wow, my last post was pretty angsty.....oops
I'm all better now! well mostly...

you see, there is this guy, lets call him...um....bill....no i mean...Bob! yeah Bob!

anyways, Bob is a very confusing person, because, when he talks, he ALWAYS flirts....always! and since i am so used to flirting, the first thing that popped into my head was,
"oh, he must like me"
the second thing was
because i mean....hes Bob, and he is just soooo...Bob-like!

so i figured, oh as long as i don't lead him on or anything it will be fine! but no! he just kept flirting, so i talked to some friends, who said, that is just the way he talks, it isn't flirting....so i though, fine whatever, and went on with my life.

a week later he tries to get me to talk about my 'feelings', well that wasn't going to happen! so i tactfully changed the subject.

anyways, long story short, now he is just getting on my nerves, not to mention he has been trying to talk to me on msn (which i have ignored) over and over, and when i don't answer, he emails me, then messages me.


well that was my rant of the week......hope you enjoyed it!

(sorry Bob)
Predict Me Pixie

Apr 2, 2009

Help Me!

Have you ever felt like every one was against you? i mean absolutely everyone.
even the people you thought were your friends, you BEST friends!

God i feel like crap!

Am I that horrible? that annoying?

someone tell me! i wont be mad! really!
i mean obviously i would be upset, but not at the person. If i do something that really bugs you, just tell me! ill stop! or start...depending on the problem. I'm not trying to be a bad person!

I'm not even sure what i did? what boundary did i overstep?

if i don't find out soon, i...well i dont know what will happen.
because this is too much! I'm just so depressed now, i cant even smile anymore. and I hate it, because i never like to be upset when I'm around my friends, it is unfair to them.

but i just cant help it anymore! i just cant bring myself to be happy, to smile, to joke around with my friends!

and i feel like such a baby because of it! god, someone, help me out here! before this gets worse, please!

depressed pixie

Mar 26, 2009


i am bored...bored bored BORED!!!
how bored am i?
very bored!!!

yay!!!! -_-

maybe i should work......but i don't wanna.

my posts always seem better when I'm just ranting.....buuuttt Ive nothing to rant about! at all!!!
and it is killing me!!

well i could rant about how the guy sitting next to me right now (I'm in computers class) is disgusting and annoying.

or maybe how i SHOULD be working but i forgot everything i ever knew about programming.

this sucks -_-

well, i guess i should try to work
signing off!
annoyed pixie

Mar 10, 2009

online lingo

So I’m taking a step back from my heartfelt rants, to address a topic I’m sure troubles hundreds, no…THOUSANDS of us each and every day.

It’s a problem that’s infecting teens around the world and it’s traveling like an epidemic, spreading from teen to teen in a matter of seconds. It’s a problem on the streets, in the schools, on television, in our homes and it’s flooding across the Internet by the millisecond.

And that problem is one that makes me wince every time I see it.

Online lingo.

You know the stuff.
It’s in every comment, on every forum, in e-mails…
Face it. It’s everywhere.

It started out small and then grew within days to spread across the entire web.
Sure, it has its advantages of being faster to type and to get your point across.

But admit it; it can get annoying as hell!

Now please, don’t lash out at me if you’re a fan of this so called new-age language. Just hear me out.

It’s one thing to use it when you’re instant messaging a friend, but it’s an entirely different matter to begin SPEAKING it like a spoken language. Yes, I’m serious. People actually do that, and I mean besides in those newer Cingular-AT&T commercials about Beth Ann and her BFF Jill.

Honest to god I walked into class the other day and these two girls were having a verbal conversation with those stupid freaking lingo words or whatever the hell you wish to call them. I guess it’s the same as text messaging lingo or what not.

But I’m being dead serious here. I walked into the classroom and they were like, “WU? NM. U? N2M. STFU! ROFL!!!”

Fine, fine, that’s perfectly fine if you’re punching that in on those midget keys of your cell phone, but really, I don’t want to hear that when I walk into a classroom. I have no freaking clue what they’re even saying (well I do now, but I didn’t then).

Ah, it just gets so annoying. Half of the time I’m reading over posts on forums and I’ll have to go and search Google for the meaning of some abbreviation I had no idea about. It’s like some people seriously think they can go and ostracize each and every vowel from a word and call it Internet lingo. Poor neglected vowels!

Just… ugh. It gets on my nerves when people overuse it because they think it’s so cool.
Well. Fine. Maybe it is and maybe I’m out of the loop, but it still sends me over the edge with near frustration. It’s annoying as hell.

So… I guess that’s all.
G2G! *gag*
~~Aggravated Pixie

Mar 8, 2009

suck it up

Honestly, when are people going to learn that they shouldn’t care so much about what other people think and look like?

Some people actually think their opinion is going to influence somebody so much that they’ll change their entire look just to please them.

Well, fine, maybe some dumbass might completely change to please everyone else.
But I won’t.

I really don’t give a shit what the rest of my classmates think about the way I dress. I never have cared and I don’t know why they think that I suddenly will. It’s like they’re under the impression that if they tease and push hard enough that I’ll show up to school dressed exactly like them.

So I don’t dress like them.
Big deal, like that’s enough of a reason to stare at me with accusing eyes as if I have an arm sticking straight out of my head?
Yeah right.

But what really gets to me is how much they judge off of the way I look.
Ah, it makes me so pissed off…

And I’m not going to go into a huge rant about “don’t judge a book by its cover” because we’re all told that too often and we never learn from that anyways. No matter how much you may claim you never judge by looks, trust me, you do. Everyone does, it’s inevitable. You see someone with an abnormality directly on his or her face, something that you can’t miss, don’t lie. I know you’ll stare and take a step back.

See, you judge everyday.
Stop denying it.

But what I really hate are the lengths that some people go to based off of one look.

And some people are so… mean about it, for lack of a better word.
If you don’t dress in a way that they’re used to, suddenly you’re the punch line of every joke.
Someone mutters freak around you and the whole room erupts in laughter like that is the best damn joke they’ve ever heard.

So what if you find my clothes ridiculous and my style to be so abnormal that you can’t seem to live with it. It shouldn’t really bother you the way I dress. I’m not hurting anyone by walking around dressed the way I am. I don’t have offensive material printed on my shirts, and it’s not like my clothes reveal certain areas that shouldn’t be revealed to the public eye.

So why the hell do you even fucking care?

And why do you fucking care enough to go out of your way to point, stare, and laugh?
I’m not an open joke machine. So don’t make me the pit of every single one of your immature jokes.

Fine. If I bother you that much with my “style” then go ahead, point, laugh, stare all you want. Someday just pointing at me won’t get as much laughter as it used to. And talking about me so loudly that the whole room hears your insults, including me, isn’t going to make me come to school dressed any differently.

I assure you there is not going to be the day that I show up to school looking like everyone else.
My hair will stay the same; too different for you to deal with. My shirts will still be too differant. And my face will never change so don’t expect it to overnight.

So suck it up and deal.
A lot of people have, but I guess others are so fucking narrow minded they can’t deal with a boy wearing make-up or a girl in guy’s clothes.

Really, please, just think the next time you go to open your big mouth to taunt someone all because of the way they’re dressed. Maybe you’re too plain. Maybe you should be trying something a little bolder instead of showing up in your normal “look” everyday.
~~Wishing For Too Much

Mar 1, 2009

future dilemmas

i guess everyone has this problem at one point or another. and its not unusual to be faced with such confusion at this age. of course, knowing everyone else goes through this too doesn't help!

I'm talking about having to decide my future, and you know how they say that you don't REALLY have to decide till you graduate, or even till you are in collage, well that is bull!!!!!

I'm only picking my courses for school next year, and yet I'm already faced with a huge dilemma!

well, I know for a fact that i am going into the arts when i graduate, and you would think my courses would be pretty set out, since i already know this. but the thing is 'art' is pretty broad, and i like all of it! well not all...

what i mean is, that there are two possible fields i could go into in the future, theatre acting, or graphic/web design.

the problem is, i can only take one of these two subjects: art or drama

well, right there i am forced to decide on one!great, no whichever i take in high school will dictate what i will do for the rest of my life! and whats worse? one of the courses is horrible!!!!!

i can either take art, which is a stupid worthless course, that is a total waste of time, but will get me into graphic design. or i can take drama, which is an amazing course that i love, and will get me into acting school.

now, after hearing that you would think there is no problem!

But of course here comes the BIGGEST dilemma!

I'm really not an amazing actor...as much as i love it, ill probably never be the best. And the only way to make a living off f acting is to be the best!

on the other hand, I'm pretty good at graphic design and web design. and if i studied it, I'm sure i could become pretty good, as well, i can actually make money from it!

but i still enjoy acting far more!

so, do what i love? even though I'm not very good at it.
or do what I'm capable of?

~~frustrated pixie

Feb 17, 2009

Violets arent blue

i decided to take a break from my ranting to show off a bit...hope you dont mind!

this is a beautiful song i found that a friend had written a few months ago, music composed by serena posner.

Violets arent Blue


Roses are red
but violets will die
cause they have been broken
from your last lie

You always tell me
what you say is true
but if that is so
why arent these violets blue?

so please just stay away
i dont need to feel this anymore
so just get away
this has lasted long enough

your promises are broken
and turned into lies
but its obvious to me
from the hurt in your eyes

whenever you speak
you must think i cant see
cause i know for a fact
that your lying to me


your words can hurt
they make me cry
your words can kill
they make violets die

As time will pass
Ill learn to forgive
but only if you are gone
so these violets can live


you can view the video here :
but keep in mind the song is not complete and has to be re-done!


~~off topic pixie

Feb 4, 2009

just shoot me now

ok, fine.
I'm spoiled! i get it! im sorry!
i swear, you cannot blame me for being upset though!

i had asked for tickets from my dad, so that me and my friend could go see the flight of the conchords concert. My dad got two tickets.
turns out the person who buys the tickets MUST be in the audience (which seems awfully messed up to me)
anyways, because of this, i dont get to go with my friend, AND i now have to go with my dad.

If you dont know who the flight of the conchords are, well, look it up!
its not exactly a concert you want your overprotective dad to come to!

so im disappointed! can you blame me?
i never ask for these things! ever!
so of course my dad was sooo excited to do something like this for me!

so my dad is pissed, cuz he thinks im super pissed (even though im only semi-pissed) and my mum is pissed cuz my dad wont shut up about it!

you see? this is not working out!

what do you think i should do?cuz i have no idea!
ok, signing off
~~Pissed Pixie

Jan 27, 2009

Fighting the Urge to Open Fire on PDA

So yesterday I was walking around town, to nowhere in particular, just… wandering to pass the time, and I kept seeing one thing over and over and over again.


Honest to God, I’d blink once and open my eyes only to see another couple of lovebirds so sucked up into their gagging kisses that they wouldn’t even realize if a plane fell out of the sky and crashed nose down into the ground right next to them. They’re so caught up in their supposed love that they’re basically yelling, “Fuck the rest of the world! We’re in love!” without ever saying a word. It’s like as long as they have each other within reach, then they’re good to go.

Shoot. Me. Now.

Okay, well don’t shoot, but seriously, sometimes all that PDA out there makes me want to topple over and die. For all of you un-cool people who don’t know what the term “PDA” stands for, it means: Public Displays of Affection. But just kidding, you’re not un-cool.

But anyways, where was I, oh, yeah, PDA.
Yes, go, run around and show the world that you love each other, but please, be considerate.
Not everyone wants to see you two sucking mouth when we turn a street corner.
So stop parading your love around in the faces of us poor innocent freaks who can’t seem to find such happiness; you only bring our hopes down even more.

And yes, I may be young and naïve, being that I’m still a teenager trying to fight my way out of high school, but I’ve seen my fair-share of relationships hitting the all time high and crashing and burning within five year’s time.

It happens; life happens; shit happens.
Love dies.
Way too often, and according to statistics, the rate of love dying seems to be growing.

What if divorce was still illegal?
Imagine what life would be like then. I mean would so many couples still jump on the chance for marriage?

I don’t know what I’m even ranting about anymore.
I guess I just hate to see relationships end and all.

Hmm, maybe that’s why I’m so sour on love. Honestly, I am. I’m so… stiff when it comes to being open with my feelings that I turn down so many opportunities for love. I don’t walk around with my heart on my sleeve. Instead I have it tucked away deep inside of me where no one can seem to play with it. Ever. And for some reason that makes me such a freak because I’d rather sit around with my feelings bottled up inside of me versus walking down the hallway and blowing kisses to every one I see.

Well, I won’t keep rambling on my feelings about love; that can fill up an entire post all its own. Maybe I’ll talk about it sometime in the future, but maybe not.

Humph. I’m out.
I’ve got a shit-load of homework to get to, so leave some love in the comments.
Yeah, you know how to do it.
Go ahead.
Click the little link.
It’s not too hard. Go on… Click!
Ah, there you go. But I love you lurkers… you crack me up. =) .

~~sour pixie of love

Jan 25, 2009

Left Out?

Have you ever felt embarrassed? like, really embarrassed....well, maybe embarrassed isn't quite the right word. awkward maybe? no, not quite...just out of place, as if, you don't belong at all.

I mean, of course, i have never really belonged, but, to not belong in your own house? surrounded by your own family?

My sister, well, she has always been quiet, well, at least when in front of people, and my brother, well hes kinda awkward (not in a bad way, a really really cute way). My father, now HE is awkward, he just cant stand silence, he doesn't understand the meaning of a comfortable silence, at all! and my mom, who sadly, cant express any emotion successfully other than disappointment and cynicism.

Every dinner time, since i was two, has been quiet, and fast. this is what we called our "family time". Some family time! we rarely spoke to each other, if someone tried to talk, it either resulted in some sort of argument, caused by some stupid misunderstanding, or nothing!
really, nothing! we walked in, ate, and left!

It has been like that as long as i can remember!

There was one time, that i invited my friend over for dinner, it was so quiet at the table, i was embarrassed, i couldn't wait to get me and my friend away. Those times with my friends, those were the only times i noticed the quiet. Other than that, it was just, family respecting family.

Soon i became quiet myself, well in public at least. I was a total pushover. I idolized my friends who could stand up for themselves, people who could talk, and have others listen. I knew that i would never be like that.

well, until i made it into high school. I made new friends, friends who are equals! These new friends actually let me talk, they listened! suddenly, i started to really notice the quiet. I hated not being able to talk like I had with my friends!

Just like, say, a person was kept in a box their whole life. The box is all they ever knew, they would never question the box. Until one day someone takes away the box, suddenly they can see the whole world! and now, they will never return to the box!

and what will happen if that person is stuck back inside? They will feel trapped! claustrophobic!
yup, that's me!

I'm stuck in a tiny box, only allowed out, seven hours a day for school. Then i am stuffed back in the box.

I haven't had a friends over for dinner since i was 12. hell, sometimes i wish i didn't have to come for dinner. I LOVE the days that i can just eat whenever i feel, when my family is out and I'm in charge. the days that my friends can come over, just to hang. where we can all order pizza. Where we can all talk as loud as we want and no one cares!

I wish someone understood that. It seems no one does.
Am I totally alone here? really?
~~ Mournful Pixie

Jan 23, 2009

I cant believe it. I mean, its not like i HAVENT been talking about since two months ago!
well, i was picking my courses for the next year of high school, but i forgot to get my sheet signed. This morning though when I showed my parents, guess what? they suddenly told me to take another course. to skip my spare and drop a class next year if i really want to. guess what? I know which class I want to take, SAP (sociology, anthropology,psychology) is not one of them!

and seriously? why the hell wait until the morning after picking courses to tell me this?
I have talked about this since.....lets see.....gr.9? I chose the courses that i chose for a reason! i have absolutely no intention of changing them either! i WILL drop SAP, just you wait, a year from now you will be reading about my decision to drop it!

anyways, i have to go to school...ill post again tonight.
~~pissed off pixie

Jan 22, 2009


me and my big mouth! I just cant keep it shut can I?
you see.....i haven't exactly told anyone about this blog yet... but hello! i don't think they want to know what i might write in here....there is a reason i never post info!
but then they asked me about my night.....and of course, in all my massive wisdom....i mentioned the blog.
I'm a genius right? ....please don't reply to that!

anyways, as soon as i let it slide they went on the Internet and started searching for it...thank GOD they didn't find it! well, yet T_T

But what is so appealing about reading this? I don't try to read their diaries!
but i swear they spent almost an hour interrogating me!

i think i may kill them one day!

why are people so obsessed with other people's lives? is it human nature to be nosy?
if I had never let that slip, they would have never asked about it! not that i mind them reading this....its just....not in front of me, i don't want to see their reactions!

well? what do you think? sure, this is meant to be read, but, their is a point to anonymity (is that a word?) well, am i supposed to show this to them? do i really want them to read this?

comment please!
~~perplexed pixie


ok, im sure you all have had it happen to you.
You say a stupid comment and people suddenly think you are hiding something.
so of course, what is the next course of action? you deny it!
what else?
well, as we all know...that doesnt help...at all....

Today was one of MANY occasions that this seems to have occured, yes many. Clearly i dont pick my words very carefully!
ANYWAYS! i might as well tell you exactly what happened...where do i start?
i guess the begining..... well when a man and woman meet, and they reeeaaallly love each other.....too early?
sorry, guess i got carried away :P

well this morning i was sitting in class, talking to my two friends, lets call them....Thing 1 and Thing 2...sound good? ok
The conversation went as such...
Thing 1- oh you would be perfect for my cousin
Thing 2- dont bother setting them up, no one is ever good enough
Me- That's not true!
Thing 2- oh right, i forgot, you are only interested in metrosexuals!

ok.....just to clarify i wasnt agreeing with Thing 2! ...just not acknowledging their statement...there is a differance!
As the conversation advanced (still on the assumption i prefer metros) i tried to explain myself, which ended in the statement "OOHH!!!!! so you are gay!" -_- no...im not...after all, I think I would know! I can clearly realize who im attracted to!
It seems pretty obvious, everytime my eyes drift to the wrong part of the person im looking at......oh dont judge me, its hormones!

but i guess im not 100% straight....I may be physically attracted to one sex, but i am mentally attracted to the other! i cant help it!
i mean....some people are gross! i want someone caring, and understanding, and.......is it just me or am I starting to sound like a hopeless romantic....damn
...so what defines straight/gay? sure i guess if i kiss someone and see if i like it then i will know .....but there are plenty of times that even the straightest player may be turned on by another guy.
so why bother experimenting and wasting my first kiss? it seems pretty pointless!

why does this topic even seem so important? what should it matter anyways? why does the world seem to think that being gay/straight is so scandalous? I just dont get it, hell i dont think half the world gets it!

am i making any sense here? im becoming a little skeptical if this online journal was such a great idea....sure, none of you know me, you cant judge me...(well you can, but you would all be stupid!....no im joking i love you all) but none of the words i wanted to say are coming out......damn i suck at this!

Maybe i should try again later......i have homework to do after all....blah stupid homework!!!! ok! goodbye people! thanx for reading...i guess :P comment please! comments make me feel loved! :)
~~Predict Me Pixie